ok..business stuff first..then i will share our sadness....
Carol · Feb 3, 2012
there is cat litter, senior horse, rabbit feed and bales of shavings in the van if anyone needs any this weekend..i am too beat and busy to unload tonight...i think there is plenty of everything else.
new dog oden is here...fresh from his neuter. i have introduced him to the kitchen and computer guys only and he is exhausted so i will leave it at that. he is fresh post op so he is not to be out at the barn and can only go out into the front yard with a leash and collar..i don't want him panicking when i am not here and slipping out of a gate or going over a fence. also remember that the other new girl holly is only to also go out on a collar and a leash and is to be watched very carefully around doors when people are coming in/out. kobe has started to settle but i don't trust him yet so he can only go out into the yard with close and direct supervision..none of the new ones are to be trusted for a second so keep the gate to the front door closed so they can't slip out when people come in...all of them are to belong in the kitchen or computer rooms..don't let them thru to my bedroom.
the two new kittens are named lizzie (mostly black with a bit of white) and tonka (black and white bicolor)...sweet cats but they are still a bit nervous so please move slowly and gently around them...they are in the middle medical room pen.
to the barn folks...mo is not here tomorrow and i am working. janice has done up the morning feed bowls for you and left you a note regarding the hay...there are two different kinds now..orchard grass (green and soft) and local 2nd cut (coarser and paler) and the note will say how much of which type of hay to give to which animals...thx!
today we lost edith.
she has not been doing well this week and the vets came back out to check her again. she has continued to slowly deteriorate over the past couple of weeks and today she was starting with pneumonia. the vet said if this was the beginning of her illness..we could try and treat but we have been treating her now for more than 8 weeks and she is continues to spiral down.
i want to express my heartfelt thanks to everyone who has been so kind and supportive of her since she moved into the shop. she has had many special treats brought for her and she has shared many precious and happy moments.
i really want to thank janice from the bottom of my heart for caring for edith each day with such gentle integrity. edith always had something tasty and new to try..she had lots of forays aound the shop and garden and many lunch dates with janice. i know that these last weeks of edith's life were filled with the wonder of a new kind of life as she became our beloved little shop girl.
rest in peace edith..i know you had good life here and i will miss my little librarian and the past little devil goat who used to bowl for my poor old dogs every day..but mostly i will miss you coming up to the shop table and asking for another cracker, or peanut, or cookie or whatever interesting treat we happened to have there.
love you edith, you were an incredible goat and we are going to miss you here.
Very sorry about Edith' poor little girl' and hope she sees a whole bunch of little goaties and bunnies where she is ' dunno why but i think of her with a bunny ' well it makes me happy for her to have company'' but sorry' i hope a sunny day will be good for the critters to lay in the sun '' hugzPolly