kristy was euthanized today...posted by laura.
Carol · Feb 6, 2012
Today my sweet but tough Saint Kristy passed away peacefully. My brother who met her for the first time recently had never been around a dog with 1 eye, no teeth, tongue hanging out,and huge cancer lumps on her neck. But after witnessing this little dog just living in the moment…so excited to share my ice cream…he said in was an honour to have met Kristy and in doing so it made him a better person. I so agree with that statement. Also Mo will appreciate this, while waiting at the vets Kristy had to have a poo and then of course a full out pilates routine..she knew just what to do to make me smile during a sad time. Kristy went out like a true Saint eating a Mcdonalds burger right to the end. I was so blessed to share time with her…my pillow will be very barren tonight except for my tears….loved you Kristy and will miss you….
i am so sorry laura, you were so good to her and she was so lucky you took her. big hugs to you and rip little kristy may you have lots of love and soft pillows where you are.