Animal Updates

SAINTS Photo Post

Carol  ·  Feb 16, 2012

Ellie may be a pink princess pig but Brad Pitt is definately a DIVA. On Saturday he wanted to dump Ali's wheel barrow and Ali had to kindly ask him not to.

He wanted Kathy to provide him with a fresh drink of water from the hose.

And he also wanted Kathy to bush him.

You would never know by this sweet and innocent face what a menace Odie is!

Speaking of menacing divas, one word: PHOEBE!

Who me?

Our biggest saint, Percy was being curious as ever tasting nicole's hands ...

and shoes

One of our littlest saint, Mini me, is the size of a shoe!

Joey is not little, we lovingly call him fat boy

awe ...

But that is ok, we love him and so do his friends, Al and Peluchie

Meghann came to SAINTS on Saturday and fell in love with Nicki

Hilda got a new hair cut and we hope it will help someone love her, right into their home

More great photos from Saturday available here ...



Al is slowing down..but just a little bit, he still pushes around the blue egg shaped toy & is super eager to get out to the barn on the week-ends . What the crafty guy does now is.. join us for the morning walk him running ahead to get to the pond so he can bark at whatever maybe hiding on the banks or having a swim ( poor ducks sometimes)he ensure he gets his fair share of butt rubs ( courtesy of Mama Duck KO ) and pets from the rest of the volunteers. He hurries us up ( read bark, bark, bark ) when he thinks the barn guys have finished eating and need to be turned out... cuz he knows the next step is .. HE gets his breakfast. Once he has had his breaky, he makes the rounds of everyone around, getting pets & ear scratches & sneaking up behind you & rushing between your legs ( not so pleasant on wet rainy days ) and then suddnly you will notice..Hey where's Al ?

He has taken the opportunity to slip back to his bed inside...but only for so long.. we are not sure if he carefully watches us, or just has a great internal clock..cuz sure enough when we are about 15 or 20 minutes from finishing barn chores, he either magically appears again ( if the in/out door is open ) or we hear him calling to us from inside ( again read Bark, Bark, Bark ) if that is the case we dutifully go & retrieve him.. cuz he also knows that after barn chores.. comes Memorial Garden time & the dogs are the center of attention for 20 minutes or 1/2 hour. Oh Yea & they get good treats. EVERYBODY LOVES AL.. how can you not :-)

Mauro Salles

Old Al!!! Does he continue to chase balls, running as crazy and trying to kill himself? :-)