
The Amazing Raise: Team Barn

Carol  ·  Feb 22, 2012

The SAINTS AMAZING RAISE March pub night fundraising initiative is off to a slow start.

Here are the current standings and totals (please note that any pledges dropped off at SAINTS this weekend are not included)
Barn total $75
MP room total $220
Main house total $0

We need your help! Blog readers and saints supporters can donate to their favorite animal area and I will be telling you why to support each area over the next week.

Today I will tell you why you should pledge to the BARN TEAM:

It costs $2500 a month for the barn just for the hay, shavings and feed for everyone. The Farm Animal Program (aka Barn) is one of our most educational. Visitors are given the rare opportunity to meet up close and personal large and small farm animals who are bred, bought, sold, and slaughtered by the millions in the most inhumane manner, across our country each year. People have the opportunity to learn about some of the issues, and to possibly go away considering some of the possible solutions that could one day affect positive change in more humane standards and treatment in all farm animals lives. The barn volunteers bring their hard work and muscle–mucking out stalls and moping floors in the rain, snow, and heat every weekend and holidays. But they also bring their hearts. They love the animals in the barn and do everything they can to make the animals feel happy and healthy. Mo sings to wilbur the pot belly pig because it makes him happy, which is evident when his little tail starts wagging. KO brings the ducks and chickens special treats such as corn and lettuce.

The barn yard is home to 6 chickens/roosters, 4 farm pigs, 3 cows, 3 horses, 3 goats, 3 sheep, 3 ducks, 1 donkey, 1 llama, and 1 pot belly pig. In the barn yard resides some of our most famous SAINTS such as Ellie the pink princess, Brad Pitt (the pig rescued from the Pitt River), Wilbur and Lotti (2 baby pigs seized from cruel and inhumane conditions by the West Vancouver SPCA), Percy the cowlicker, Ziggy the mini donkey, and Gideon the white knight. At SAINTS these animals have found a home and family.

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You can make a pledge through Pay Pal (just note that it is for team barn) or make a donation by dropping it off to SAINTS or mailing a cheque to Sheila Kullar (just email for an address). Only donations of $25.00 or more will receive a tax receipt.

Thank you for supporting SAINTS rescue.


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Yes, I am definately coming Sunday. For some reason I read that we needed people Saturday too.


I was going to comment the house team is just lurking in the shadows and are gunna surprise everyone come the pub night but I've been beat to it x5

Brenda I will be there! I'm feeling better this week (you all helped that) so I'll definitely be here.

100% of the tickets goes to SAINTS, right? Just making sure so I can buy an even 10 for now so I don't have to guestimate who will come who won't. You'd probably prefer me to pay paypal instead of cash on Sunday?


caylee please come sunday as we will have 3 people in the house each day that way. Thanks


Can someone please email me a pledge form? Send it to and it will come to my inbox.



I agree - let's keep it a secret re: how much the "house" is collecting! - and Carol, I don't want YOU helping me on Sunday - that's the point of volunteers! See you then


I agree Lynne as team house we should keep it secret so the other teams do not right at the end out do us by $1.....(like that sneaky barn crew) at work today K.O. thought I did not hear her today scooping up money from a cust. but when she is talking Saints my ears perk I got a donation for team house as


i just donated - to the house :) Like many blog readers and SAINTS monthy supporters, i live too far away to come to these events... but i'm challenging all of us who read and support 'from away' to jump in here! We get all the benefits of supporting something we believe in (and don't have to bear the :))

Janet Land

One of my adopters used to raise money for cat rescue by knitting and felting cat beds. She still has the rights to the pattern and would be willing to share with anyone who wanted to use it to raise money for a good cause. Her old web site is If you are interested please email me ( and I can put you in touch with her.


i thought we were not telling anyone what we were raising just to make it more interesting. i will bring my money next weekend.


I'm in the process of collecting $ for the "House" Team, so my money won't be in for a bit, and I know others in the House are doing the same, so don't let the 0 amount at this point scare you! Speaking of the House, is there going to be anyone else with me this Sunday?? I know Lynne and Ann are not going to be there. Just curious, I'm at work all week, and have not seen the volunteer schedule for the weekend yet. I'll be there anyway!


Carol i will be a little late getting to work. be there by 930 hopefully


I have $89 so far and will drop if off early next week. We are making dog cookies and selling them at Cedar Valley Massage (Jenn the owner is a friend). I will keep bakikng them as long as people buy them, it's slow and hopefully will pick up.

Marla in SD

I LOVE the picture of Carol with Emily and Ziggy. It makes my heart smile!

Bunny Horne

I am STILL doing rug hooking projects to raise $$$$$ for SAINTS. 100% of the proceeds from the small mats goes directly to SAINTS. I pay the costs of the raw materials to make them. I can and have hooked projects from photographs of some beloved pets. If any of our bloggers are interested feel free to email me and I can send you some photos of completed projects. I'd be happy to give a quote (super reasonable) and get a project in the works and TEAM BARN really really needs the support. GO TEAM BARN!!!!!