i should try getting mad at them more often...
Carol · Feb 29, 2012
everyone slept like a dream last night. benny was the only one who woke up and asked to go out around 2 am...everyone else just quietly stayed sleeping. best sleep i have had in a long time...nice treat.
it occurs to me that it might be helpful to do some simple, informal work shops about various rescue medical things...like...
how to effectively and efficiently use vet time..what they want and need to know and how to discuss optons without taking up and wasting a lot of their time.
or how do simple things that everyone thinks they know how to safely do..(but don't cuz no one really ever showed them...)..like how to properly put drops or cream in the eyes ( a few weeks ago i saw the tube being directly poked on to an eyeball...so not good.) or how to clean ears without using qtips which can damage and irritate sensitive ear canal tissues causing swelling, infection and pain...the rule is..nothing smaller than an elbow ever goes down deep into an ear...or which shampoos work for which skin problems, why and how to use them...AND the 4 prong approach to actually effectively dealing with chronic skin issues cuz so many folks do one or two steps and can't figure out why they never get anywhere.
nicole or caylee or ashley could show us how to do safe nail clipping (cuz i avoid doing this like the plague!)...or how to effeciently restrain...( i personally totally suck at restraint!)
we could talk about when to decide to call the vet and when to take a deep breath..wait a bit and see....or what things to think and talk about when looking at chronic pain control or end of life scenarios..or what some of the more common medicines are for..how they work and why it is important to give them as ordered.
we could talk about tricks of the trade when dealing with incontinence, dementia, blindness, terminal illness and how to work thru the decision making process with end of life issues.
anyway..there are lots of things we could talk about..is anyone actually interested in something like this???
I wish I lived closer as well...but if I knew far enough in advance I could maybe make it. Carol I have 3 full boxes of BIG dog Advantage multi and 1 full Med. dog Advantage multi. Is this somethng you would use at Saints, if so 'll mail it to you? Just let me know :) Rae