
Garage Sale to Benefit SAINTS rescue this Saturday!

Carol  ·  Mar 12, 2012




hi Jenn. That banana bread was baked by Sheila from Matus ( except for choco-banana. I did that). There will be a very small amount of baking. Given the short time for pulling all this together I won't be able to do that as well. Plus with the early date and being forced to have it all indoors there really isn't enough space.


helga are you going to be selling some of your delicious bannana bread this year? If so I gotta get me some!!!

Lori Paul

Carol, will you be at home early Friday afternoon, say around 2pm? If so I would like you to have a quick look through the items I am donating to the garage sale just in case you could use the odd thing yourself...I have an armload of flat flannel sheets I've been hoarding just for you :) could you also use cotton towels? If so, I have a few that are frayed but still have lots of use in them...thanks!


There is a blue play pen (sorry not a crib) in the corner of the shop right near the garage door closest to the driveway. Carol told me that is where are the garage sale items were going.


Hi Sheila. I was there till about 11 AM this last Sunday and didn't even look in the shop for stuff. What baby crib? Should I go up and check?? Derek and Jennifer brought me a load of sale items but we loaded them straight into my car from theirs.


Hi Helga

I put a couple of packages in the shop in the baby crib just after 1:30 PM on Sunday. I think you had already picked up that day because the crib was empty.
So I thought I better tell you that I put those items there.


i have some stuff for you too helga if it is not too late. sorry time does have a way of getting away.


Sure, Mo. Tomorrow night is fine. And I feel that way about time too. Starting to freak out about how fast all this is coming.


Helga I am trying to get my poop together to get my boxes out to you.. if I can do it tomorrow night is that OK ? If it is too late I apologize it seems like time is flying past me at break neck speed.


To all concerned: thanks to ynour incredibly generous donation of items the garage is turning into a total treasure cave with something for every taste. Just pray to the weather gods for me.