i am utterly exhausted and feel like puking this morning..... sometimes i hate this shit.
percy looks totally glazed and traumatized like some kind of wounded disaster survivor..joy and em are bewildered and sad that they were left out in the upper field away from him and their familiar beds.
i didn't see daph yesterday cuz i couldn't leave here..i did call to check on her and she is ok.
everyone missed their insulin last night cuz i was late with the am doses yesterday morning (i didn't give them til noon...) so i couldn't give them til midnight last night and i suck cuz i crashed asleep before that and missed them. nothing like screwing up everyone's bloodsugars in one stupid shot.
today i will ask janette to see if we can convince percy to move into the goats area. that will keep him confined but let joy and em back in to the riding ring where they desperately want to be. the goats will be fine in the barn with joy and emily during percy's recovery...i can't remember who suggested it yesterday but it was a god idea.
i forgot to tell you jazzy did not arrive this week..they bumped her to next wednsday...it is tentative because of the air canada strikes...it affects the escort seats available on west jet flights for the pet rescue transport folks.
pinky still arrives on sunday.
i also forgot to take the timesheets into the accountants this week and today is payday..oh yay carol, that was bright.
Carol, Percy has already won the lotto being at Saints. You need to win the lotto so you can have some time to relax too!!