Rescue Journal not posting tonight... image/svg+xml Email image/svg+xml Facebook Twitter Carol · Apr 5, 2012 while not exactly silent..the dogs are still being pretty damn good...we are watching "Warhorse" tonight... YAY!!!!!!
Marisa12 years agoI saw the play here in Toronto and bawled almost all the way through. So, I'm pretty sure I won't be able to handle the movie. :-)
carly12 years agoI LOVE that movie! There was some difficult parts to watch, even though I know it was all fake.
ellen12 years agoWarhorse was a good movie but being an animal lover, I found parts of it were hard to watch.
I saw the play here in Toronto and bawled almost all the way through. So, I'm pretty sure I won't be able to handle the movie. :-)