tammy won't be in to do the mp building cats..jenn is doing the 11 am tour and i can't be home until noon so if folks could try to at least chip in a few minutes together and do a quickie tidy/clean in those areas, i would be totally grateful and i can finish up anything left when i get home for lunch...just leave me a note on what still needs to be done but at least it will be decent before any tours go thru.
also...al is on total house arrest (he had huge ear hematoma this morning and now has a drain in his ear flap)...if it comes out he will need full surgery and we are trying to avoid putting him under an anaesthetic because of his extreme age. also note: i had the clinic write "DO NOT CUT OFF" on his bandage because the flap of his ear is on the top of his head so if that dressing starts coming off and someone decides to cut it,, you could accidently cut off his ear...and that would freak everyone out!
Ok, no problem Jennifer.