Rescue Journal

can social media help us?

Carol  ·  Apr. 11, 2012

today i am wondering how effective social media many saints blog readers have things like facebook pages? and how many people do your facebook pages reach? and how many more people do their pages reach? cuz we need your help....

Senior Animals In Need Today Society needs your help...
In the late fall of 2011 SAINTS (a registered, non profit society/registered charity dedicated to caring for senior, end of life and special needs animals,) contacted ADT Canada requesting a quote for security cameras to moniter our elderly and sick barn animals at night, they sent out Admiral Security (their local ADT authorized dealer) who took a deposit for the cameras and also installed ADT monitered fire and intruder alarms. At the end of December of 2011, SAINTS had paid in full to Admiral Security, (the ADT Security Canada authorized dealer sent to us by ADT Security Canada,) a total of $3300 to purchase and install the security cameras. The cameras have never been installed. It is now April 2012 and despite multiple requests to both companies, neither ADT nor Admiral Security, ADT's authorized dealer, have refunded the $3300. This money was donated by members of the public and fundraised by our volunteers to help care for and keep safe our vulnerable elderly animals the best that we can.
You could help us by contacting both ADT Canada and Admiral Security and asking them to please return our money so we can purchase the much needed cameras elsewhere.
Thank you.



I've tweeted the following - @ADTstaysafe your dealer Admiral Security has ripped off an animal sanctuary.What are you going to do about it?

Good luck.


Hello SAINTS, it is sad to hear what has happened to you and I hope that you will get your money back or get the cameras installed. Please let this be a lessen learned as no one should ever pay an invoice in full untill ALL the sevices are delivered and working correct and then there is also a possibility to withhold 10% for 30 days in case the product fails and needs to be warranted by the company.
Good luck in your fight against them and resolve your problem.Robert


Carol, definitely go to the media... I have a love/hate relationship with them, but this is the kind of stuff they LOVE! And as another post mentioned, it could end up being beneficial for SAINTS too... and I'm certain you'd get your money back.
Good luck!!!

Acotu Mudilos

sent comment to ADT Canada site and forwarded your blog story to and
good luck.

Doug Stead

Would someone on this llist please post or send to me the names and addess of the contacts at both these copmpies. I think a phone I woudl like to talk with the responsible parties and let them know directly how they are damaging their corpoarte images. Thanks, Doug Stead


Sorry, I posted this on the next thread in error. I meant to post it here.

Donald Budden, President of ADT Security Services Canada, Inc is an Excecutive Member of the Board of Directors for CANASA (Canadian Security Association).
CANASA’s Executive director is JF Champagne, email


Carol, we are trying to have our Investigative reporter get in touch with you so she can talk to you, and she'll go to the businesses in question and start asking questions and demanding answers. please check your info@ email as that is where she emailed you.
Mike Archer


Among other things, I suggest contacting the reporters in the media who have done stories on SAINTS in the past.


I am back again because this sort of thing really pisses me off. When I called the office they told me the manager was out of the country. I agree with everyone GO GET THEM.


Also this company should not have asked SAINTS for the full purchase price until after the job had been done. Perhaps a deposit to show good faith but it is certainly strange that they insisted in full payment beforehand.


Could you please tell us the address to write to these companies. I believe sometimes companies might respond a bit more by having a piece of paper in their hand to read as opposed to an e-mail which might get lost in the shuffle of the business day. Thank you.


PS: It would be great if someone could put a blurb on the fb page that we could share.


thanks Lisa for pasting a link to admiral. I've sent an email. Will go look for ADT's email now and send them one too.


It is my understanding of the posted rules of the Shelter Challenge that, even if SAINTS gets the most votes, it can't receive the prize this time around: "Regional prizes (State, Canadian, or International) may not be won during two consecutive voting rounds by a single organization; they are now limited to a maximum of two prizes during non-consecutive voting rounds per group per year."

Perhaps votes should go to another local organisation such as Turtle Gardens?


I phoned Admiral. Got a whole rigmarole about how installer couldn't go up a ladder in bad weather. Made it clear that this was totally unconvincing.

They promised a refund "when the boss returns this week"

I just don't believe that.

I also Emailed ADT Canada.

Bunny Horne

FYI - regarding the Pet Shelter Challenge - I HAVE BEEN successful at voting the past two days for Saints Rescue, Mission, BC.

Bunny Horne

URGENT - Carol, I emailed Steele on Your Side. I got a response.....

Hi there,
Can you tell Carol to call me?
(bunny i deleted her number from your post...but thx, i wrote it down first before i deleted!)


Chris T

Ok. I have started the Twitter campaign. Twitter can be very useful in these kinds of cases.


and report them to the better business bureau. i know there is another person thata does help people out can not remember is it holmes but i agree go to the media maybe after one last attempt to get ahold of adt this is bs.

Bunny Horne

I absolutely will follow up in writing and posting on facebook as soon as I get home from work. I agree with some of the other comments that someone should contact Steele - especially since SAINTS was just showcased on TV last week - it might help keep the public aware of the organization.

Lisa Kish

You can also email Admiral through their careers part on their website


why not go to Steele on your side on the news hour.
You could kill two birds with one stone. Get your
money back for the cameras and let more people know
about Saints. Win, win situation. They always get
peoples money back.


Go to the media, this is a really large company and shouldn't behave like this. I certainly will never use them now. I will post what I can on my facebook page for sure.