some day when i have nothing to do, i will count up all of the hours of sleep lost to worry in rescue.
such is life.
jazzy came home from the vets today..she did eventually fork over enough urine to determine that she is currently bladder infection free so that was good news.
i don't know how it went today with percy..the vets hadn't been here by the time i came home for lunch and i was so distracted during the afternoon, that i forgot to call here and find out. sorry about that percy, i suck. it was dark when i got home, but i will go out and check him first thing in the morning before i leave for work.
john called me today to tell me the draw bridge doors to the upper manure bin ramp are complete...that's a big YAY! hopefully when the cartage company switch the bins again at the end of the month, they will be able to bring in the right sized bin so we can start dumping the wheelbarrows from the top instead of struggling to fork it up from the bottom. that will save a ton of stress on everyone's backs once that is done.
i don't know why it is so cold in here tonight..i have the furnace and fireplace on but i am still freezing.
i am trying to decide if i boot junebug off the couch, if i might have more success tonight trying to sleep there. i think sometimes a change in location might help one sleep....maybe not tho cuz june looks pretty content sleeping there.
oh..i have good news! the increase in my life insurence policy was approved so if i wake up dead in the next ten years saints should be able to carry on and manage for a decent amount of time (it is only a 10 year policy before i get too old and the monthly premiums go way too high to keep it longer then that.)
hopefully in ten years i will be retired and someone else can be awake and worry about stuff in the night.
i don't really have any funnies to tell..pinky was cute with his ball again when i got home. odie started ripping the shit out of a pee pad for fun. everyone else was just boringly ready and waiting for bed when i got home so i quickly did up the diabetics and meds.
my big excitement tonight was changing the sheets on my bed, but since the bed buddies are enjoying them and i am currently not, it is not really exciting for me all that much.
i think i need some major worry distracting so how about we all forget about cameras and refunds for a little while and we do another Q&A.
you guys can ask me a myraid of questions about how whoever you want to know about is doing and then i can concentrate on giving you guys all the updates?????
please?...i need some help getting my head back in the right animal focused place and that should keep my mind cheerfully animal busy for at least a couple of days.
be a pal...ask away....
My cats Sam and Peter both seem to have picked up a cold or uri since i brought Harry and Bart home. Neither H OR B are sick so my question is can they still carry the bug and then pass it on.....secondly do i have to take them to the vet or can i get antibiotics without taking them in