one disaster after another but this one has the potential to go HUGE in a week or two.
i woke up this morning with 3 flea bites..are you kidding me, has it even been warm enough yet for flea season to begin?
there is a very good reason that i am TOTALLY a COMPLETE flea PARANOID...i live with over one hundred furry beasts.
we last treated everyone with advantage at the end of february...and quite frankly i have been really distracted so i totally forgot to do it again at the end of march. monthly flea control here is a major expense...during flea season it costs about $600 per month.
THANK GOD RAE SENT US SOME ADVANTAGE (thank you rae!!!) cuz when i get home from work tonight i better get them all done.
YIKES!!! i can't believe i let these buggers sneak up on me.........the three things i HATE more than anything else in rescue are...fleas, flies and mud...oh and i don't like moquitos either but they indiscriminately torment everyone.
To the Saturday house crew--I'm really sorry, I don't think I will be able to make it in tomorrow. I haven't been feeling well all week. I was hoping to be better by the weekend, but I'm not. If I do feel better in the morning, I'll come in, but I just wanted to give you guys a heads up. Sorry (again)..........