Rescue Journal


Carol  ·  Apr 20, 2012

one disaster after another but this one has the potential to go HUGE in a week or two.
i woke up this morning with 3 flea bites..are you kidding me, has it even been warm enough yet for flea season to begin?

there is a very good reason that i am TOTALLY a COMPLETE flea PARANOID...i live with over one hundred furry beasts.

we last treated everyone with advantage at the end of february...and quite frankly i have been really distracted so i totally forgot to do it again at the end of march. monthly flea control here is a major expense...during flea season it costs about $600 per month.

THANK GOD RAE SENT US SOME ADVANTAGE (thank you rae!!!) cuz when i get home from work tonight i better get them all done.

YIKES!!! i can't believe i let these buggers sneak up on me.........the three things i HATE more than anything else in rescue are...fleas, flies and mud...oh and i don't like moquitos either but they indiscriminately torment everyone.



To the Saturday house crew--I'm really sorry, I don't think I will be able to make it in tomorrow. I haven't been feeling well all week. I was hoping to be better by the weekend, but I'm not. If I do feel better in the morning, I'll come in, but I just wanted to give you guys a heads up. Sorry (again)..........


My kids would have heart failure if I tried to put garlic in their hair. Too bad advantage wasn't available for the two legged creatures.

Good Luck!


OMG I remember the garlic shampoo ... gross. I think I was the only kid ever to get lice and it was from a sleepover (not school). I also remember, freezing all my toy :( boo lice. Should I get you to advantage Bru when we are there on Saturday?


Depending on the status of your rainfall/irrigation throughout the summer you can get nematodes for both fleas AND ticks. They are shipped in a wet sponge which you drop into however many gallons of water and then spray the zillion-nematode-containing water on the ground. The nematode lays its eggs inside the flea/tick and when they hatch they eat the flea/tick from the inside out.
The only catch, and it's a biggie for me, is whether or not your ground drys out. The nematodes live in the top 1/2 inch of soil and will die out if the ground gets too dry. That's why I can't have them here because in the summer our "dirt" gets so dry that it's like concrete and I can't afford irrigation.


I saw on a show once called Natural Companions...a natural flea remedy. You can use Lemon, Citronella or Eucalyptus.Put a few drops on the animals collar(or base of the neck).It has to be essential oil.


oh gosh how i hate fleas. & Ants ' i remmmember when i was 9 and slept in a cabin at the lake in wpg MB. the wall inside the cabin fell on me and it had in my freaking mind a million huge army black Ants . well the wall was covered in them ....whaaaaaaaaa sniff i freak seeing them now.....i slept in the car........


FWIW, I have heard from several others in Rescue that they have found Advantage to be increasingly ineffective. This is anecdotal perception, not scientific :)


if you need some help with the advantage call me and i will come up. my number is on the board in the kitchen. the cell one is my daughters but if i am not here i am usually there. or we could do some tomorrow if you like.

Lisa Kish

If anyone goes to Costco in Bellingham they sell Frontline (which is the same as advantage) for about $38 for a three month supply


lol colin...i remember the days of those heart stopping notes!!!

i was so paranoid about lice when my kids were young (between the three of them, there seemed to be a lot of those notes!) that i started melting garlic capsules in the microwave and mixing it in with the our regular shampoo as a proactive preventative drove my family nutz cuz it smelled so foul. one of the kids eventually did get lice at school once and my husband said <em><strong>THANK GOD!</strong></em> now you can quit putting that smelly shit in the shampoo cuz it obviously <em><strong>doesn't</strong></em> work!!!


Only thing worse than fleas are two elementary children and a note from the school telling you to check for head lice. Scratching already.

Hang in there Carol