i did get the saints list of things to do done...
Carol · Apr 23, 2012
minus the hog fuel in the chicken area cuz they voted to keep it...damn. and i never did make it out to see dixie but hopefully i can see her later this week. my personal stuff can wait.
percy has a huge abcess on his flank..double damn cuz emotionally...he really needs a break from medical treatments. charlottes abcess is still not ready for lancing...and why the hell do two of our farm animals have abcesses right now anyway????
i had a great time watching all the dogs playing the park in burnaby yesterday...my favorite was this sweet little 10 month old blue pitty...man, she was adorable!!! Burgundie and her animal loving crew filled up the van with supply donations plus raised over $1500.00...GREAT WORK you guys!!!
i finally got around to transferring the money out of our paypal account so this week for sure i need to go around and pay our vets.
it was a good weekend..i think all of us were replenished by a couple of nice days in the sun.
thx to all of the weekend volunteers for holding down the fort while i was gone!
I can see whatever you decide will be in her best interests.