one thing i really look forward to in not finding my bed sheets on one of the dogs beds or on the floor as a pee pad. it will be nice to know that my sheets are forever pristine and only ever used by me for sleeping..tonight manny has the pleasure of my bedding and i pulled two of my other sheets off of the shelf before they get used.
heads up to everyone..for the next bit i am listing any gates or doors i find open on my bedtime safety check rounds, i will continue to do this until i can finally relax because everyone is dedicated and totally on board to making sure everything is safely and properly closed.
tonight was a good check...nothing was left open but last night the mp communal cat pen door was not only unlocked but it was partially open. if any of the cats had gotten in with puff or ed......
use your imagination and i will leave it at that.
i was pretty cheerful this morning when i got into work...i love wednesdays cuz it is downhill til the end of the week. of course i did eventually get corrected, today was actually tuesday..that so totally sucked and ruined my day.
laura and terry did a fantastic job on getting hilda, peluchi and ewok groomed this week...thx so much you guys, they all look great!
i won`t be changing threesey`s name...i bonded and loved her as threesey, so threesey she stays.
i will however open up the naming game to everyone for onesey and twosey..onesey is the bigger of the two and twosey is a little bit tiny...both are solid black.
i do not know if they are male or female yet cuz we are not bugging them or stressing gracie to check so i suggest we pick two male and two female names and then decide once we know their genders.
so go ahead...fill yer boots..the rules are simple and are as follows:
1. no picking food item names..names like bacon or porkchop are disrespectful.
2.pick names that not only can i spell but i also can easily pronounce..there are alot of animals here and i don`t need to be stumbling and stuttering over some huge incomprehensible mouthful.
Carol... "Rosebud"..Zorro..Gilligan,Maryann,Mrs Howell Ginger..The Professor,Archie,Veroinca,Betty,Fabio,Pablo,Rubin,Suki,...Heathcliff,Tupper,Elliot,Ulysses,Babette(Babs,Barbie)Gabriel(Gaby)Piper,Evita,Orlando Bloom Angelina Jolie Clinton,Hilary ,Mulberry,Sage,Rosemary,Thyme,Bijou,Thelma/Louise..Isis,Juno,Jupitar,Lotus Earl,Ella,Eartha Kitt,Delilah,Jules,Fern,Flora,Merryweather,Selma,Nora,..............Cathie k