Rescue Journal

ooops...i buried sheila's post and we need 4 more table sponsors

Carol  ·  Aug 11, 2012

Wishes 4 Whiskers Gala…. Looking for 4 more Table Sponsors
Filed under: event information — Sheila @ 11:55 am Edit This

Hopefully.. as a very small incentive… for those that sponsor a table setting the above pictures were what graced our table toppers the first year we did this in 2009. Hopefully I will be quick enough this year to grab all the table toppers and mail the pictures to those that sponsored the table. Each table is $200 and we can use an image of your furry or feathered guy or a favorite animal at saints.

Thank you to the following table sponsors
Cathie Koulouris
Feline Fancies Pet Care (Emma Baldwin)
Dawne Gleadhill
Lynne Arnason
Mo Stead
Sheila and Leila Kullar
Leigh Sheardown
Judy and Barb Bailey
Karen MacDonal
SAINTS volunteers

Johanna Hickey (2 tables)

Susan Harasin (3 tables)

Comments (3)


Judy B

Whole table please... I emailed Sheila so I'm pretty sure she knows? $200 - is that correct?


thanks judy b. much appreciared. now we need 3 more people for a full table. yeah.


Hi Judy B

The cheque comes to Surrey at 15570 58A Avenue Surrey BC V3S 4N8

If you could email me at pictures/picture that you would like on your table topper or if you prefer one of the SAINTS animals you can email which one(s)

Judy B.

I will sponsor a table, I'll put the cheque in the mail tonight. Can't make it over to the mainland then so am happy to donate.


oh right, thx...and did i leave the money for the animals i sponsored???? can't remember!


lynne..i will go in on the volunteer table and sheila i would like a table for eight for tickets please too...i will leave $420 for you for this weekend.


thanks sheila, but if you want to go in on the table please post it so we know when we have a table.


if everyone can make out a separate cheque so you can receive a tax receipt to 15570 58a avenue surrey bc. just mark on it table sponsorship and I will know what it is for.


thanks mo and sheila maybe you can respond to ann about where to send the cheque. so we have alison, me, mo ann shawn so just 5 more people awsome.


Hi Lynne, and great - thanks :) I can send a cheque (to who? made out to SAINTS?) tomorrow... would that work? let me know details and i'm on it


awesome ann it is not only for volunteers we would be happy to have you on the table. just wondering how to get your money. let me know on the blog. thankyou so much.


I'm not a volunteer (live too far away) - but i do support monthly and i'd love to share in sponsoring... just let me know if you want other kinds of suppporters too!


Hey Lynne, I am in. Do I give you the $20? Let me know. See you next weekend.


hi shawn this is a volunteer donated table apart from our regular tickets. it is an extra 20 to support the volunteers table and that is not a table that we necessarily sit at. if you want to donatae an extra 20 that would be great. it is just a sponsored table as there are still 7 that need to be sponsored. let me know.

Kate Dumaresq

Sorry, but I thought SAINTS is in desperate need of support. Surely with Carol working 2 jobs, and there still not being enough money to go around, that exposure in a place that reaches thousands of people couldn't hurt? Especially since the ad only lists unspecific amounts of the kind of supplies used, and asks only for people to contact SAINTS if they could help, and to go to the websites to see what SAINTS does and how they can support it.


Sorry I just assumed a CL ad indicating desperately in need of supplies came from Carol or a director.

Kate Dumaresq

I am the one who posted the Craigslist a/c ads. Thank you for posting about the old ads. I am sorry, but I didn't think I would have to delete the ads from a month ago, as I believed no one would go back that far. Most people on Craigslist would almost never go back more than a couple days. But, I was obviously remiss in not deleting the old ads, sorry. I have not received any responses to any of the old ads in three weeks, and just thought they would time-out and be deleted by craigslist, which all ads do after 45 days.
As to the barn supplies, I have not requested for anything to be just dropped off at SAINTS. I have merely listed some of the supplies SAINTS uses (from the website, without amounts, such as: many bales of hay, senior horse pellets, or lots of shavings), and requested that if anyone can donate any of the supplies listed, that they contact me or SAINTS. And I ask that people go to the websites and find out what we are all about, and find out how they can help or donate. The ad isn't so much about barn supplies, as it is about who we are, what we do, and how people can help.


Hi Janice D

Jenn is very good at transfering the messages on the blog that are around fundraising onto the facebook page. For instance this blog with all its comments has been put on FaceBook this morning. But I will make a comment under it requesting items just in case someone misses my request. Thanks


Sheila - Have you posted a request for auction items on Saints Facebook page? Prior to discovering this blog I would get all of my Saints info via FB.


Hi Carol I was just on Craig's List and I see 5 ads for air conditioners. Should those not be removed since you are no longer requiring a/c s? Also there is a big ad where you are looking for donations of barn supplies. The list is quite large. Is the plan that people are to deliver the donations to Saints - I was just curious as staff would need to know where to store stuff so that you aren't buried in a mess as per the blogs this week.

Kate Dumaresq

I have had an offer of approximately 150 bales of bedding hay for free, could SAINTS use that, or store that? I have no knowlage of how much bedding hay is used, or how much it costs, or even how much space would be needed to store it. But, if we could use that much, and store that much, it is a very generous and kind offer (thanks Kathy, if you are reading).


Ann - there was a donation on Saturday and I put it in your inbox with the name and address of the donor. Hope this gets to you.


Hey Lynne, I already sent in my $120 for two tickets or I would be in on the volunteer table.


as i ssid in the last post if any volunteers want to go in on a volunteer table that is only 20 each i will and allison said she would come on guys pleas post if you are interested. we need 8 more people. had one in the past and it was fun.


I also am still looking for auction items. I don't know if it is a bad economy or people are retiring but some of the companies that have donated to us in the past aren't in business.


Great job on the Garage Sale yesterday Helga , everything was set out so nice and am putting my treasures to use today!!

Will share the Gala on my facebook page today.