Rescue Journal

worrying about stuff again

Carol  ·  Sept 7, 2012

big saints list of running around today, plus some important personal stuff. sick call already today but we should be covered alright as fridays are extra staffed for extra stuff.

i still just need to worry about getting both saints and my stuff all done..which i probably won't cuz my thoughts are always bigger and more successful then what my hands end up doing. why is that?

i have packed tomorrow up to the brim too...saints in the morning, lindsey's shower in the early afternoon, barn bedtime late afternoon plus i said i would go into work from 5-9 cuz they are short an evening nurse....ooops.

i really have not spent any time at all with chloe and pokey yet and i really need to do that!

thankfully all of the new dogs are doing quite well and don't really need too much extra from me now. not having to worry so much about them and their no longer upside down heads and hearts always lightens my load.

new animals are stressful for everyone here..helping them feel at home is really emotionally draining. once i can get these last three cats feeling ok (babette is still pissed, pokey is unsettled, and chloe is quite simply terrified,) we should be good for awhile.

i am however quite worried about percy again. he is acting a bit off. janice is pretty sure it is his front foot bothering him cuz his hoof is currently cracked. but at 6am this morning, i was watching him kicking out his back leg and trying to have a poop without success. i am completely paranoid he is herniating his bowel into his scrotum again so i am watching him like a hawk.

oh yay..phoebe is awake..there goes this mornings peace and quiet.



Mission Auto Glass I believe will come to you to fix it. 604 826 1263. I see their trucks all over and they came to our house to fix a window.


Carol I can do barn bedtime sat so you don't have to rush from the shower to work. Percy be ok big guy.


Thanks alot Maggie.. I called Speedy and they will come to SAINTS & fix me up tomorrow...which is lucky cuz you do not want me & my crew in your car after doing barn chores..exspecially if I have to rescue pooches out of the mud..note to self ..bring a change of least


Possible solution Mo. You could drop off your car at Speedy Glass in Maple Ridge and I could meet you there and take you up to Saints.


Yesterday my my car window was smashed & my purse was stolen.. Oh Yea... I was wondering if anyone knew of a Glass place in Mission that comes out to fix your car...perhaps I can get it fixed while doing my barn chores.

Thieves got $6

Mo's cost approx $500 and a whole lotta hassel