Rescue Journal

pat the cat passed away today

Carol  ·  Sept 7, 2012

he came here by accident on aug 23 2007. a neighbor thought our tigger woods was out and loose. except tigger was safe at saints and pat the cat was obviously a look-alike stray. we never did find his owners so pat stayed with us.

he was adopted into a home for a couple of years but he started having real mouth issues and consequently got all stressed out and began spraying, so he came back to saints.

we had all of his teeth removed and that pretty much solved his sore mouth and spraying issues but no one was ever interested again in adopting him so he lived here year after year.

last year curt bonded with pat and became his permanent foster home. they were a good match. curt loved pat and pat loved curt, they became great friends.

i thought they would have many happy years together but apparently not. pat became ill a few weeks ago and despite treatment, he continued to spiral downhill.

today he ended his life with his best friend at his side, his vet visit today could offer no further hope.

pat the cat was a truly great cat and i am so glad his final year of life was in his own home with his very best friend.

rest in peace pat and huge hugs and thanks to curt for loving him and becoming pat's family....he did not end his life unwanted or alone...he had a loving family of his very own.




As your Mom Curt, I know how much you loved Pat and how very lucky he was to have you as you are a very special person.



Curt and Maggie , i am so sorry to read you ahve both lost family this week. Take comfort in knowing , in your greif is a reflection of how much they were loved .

shelagh f

so sorry, Curt, we just met the other day. I know
what it is like to miss a good buddy. I wish I had
had a camera with you on the red couch with 5
cats all around you. It would have been a great


Thank-You All, he definitely was a one of a kind with his own personality like all of the Saints @Saints


add my sympathies to everyone elses Curt - so sorry. I don't know a lot of the cats, but I do remember Pat - a really nice boy


Curt, my deepest sympathies. We thought Pat was going to be O.K. so it was a shock to read he passed away. I know how much you loved him. He was a lucky boy to be with you, even for a short time. RIP Pat. Hugs to you Curt.


I'm so sorry Curt, It was obvious you loved Pat very much. You were lucky to have found each other.

Bunny Horne

Curt deepest condolences. He was lucky to have you and sounds like you were lucky to have found him.


Maggie, I remember the day, second Sunday of volunteering August 13th 2011. He will be greatly missed by me


I am so sorry Curt. I know exactly how you feel having lost your friend


As Carol and the vet said, there was nothing more that could be done. It was his time, but I am so glad to have spent the last year with him. I have the memories, pictures and soon his ashes He Was My Bed Buddy. I am sure you can relate Carol


Hugs to curt and so sorry that you two did not have more time together. RIP Pat


Deepest sympathy, Curt. I know what Pat meant to you. Take care of yourself.


Sorry to hear about Pat, Curt. RIP Pat. So good that you had a loving home in the end.