not a disaster in sight anywhere, plus the laundry fairy swooped in and saved the day by taking the stinky laundry away AND brenda left lunch (aka supper) for me in the fridge!!!
barn, shop, mp building bedtime went quickly and smoothly cuz christine and michelle had it all under control.
and this is all so great because i only got a couple of hours sleep last night due to not feeling very well.
i know i get bitchy and cranky and moody somedays and feel like the whole world is such a terrible place.
but on days like today when saints was filled to the brim with the hard unselfish work, consistent and continual commitment and loving generous hearts of all of the people here...i know that the world really isn't so terrible. in fact within our gates, it is pretty damn wonderful.
thanks to you guys, saints is a-ok tonight and consequently so am i!
Now the list is showing SAINTS back in #1 spot on the Canadian list, the way it was before...maybe it was just a glitch..