Rescue Journal

the gala is coming up quick, has everyone gotten their tickets?

Carol  ·  Sept 10, 2012

i was in bed really early last night and caught up on what i missed out on the night before....that felt good!
the dogs all slept well too so that was an added bonus.

dixie has settled in well. flicka is satisfied that dix is no threat to her beloved donkey-child.

percy is doing ok so maybe it is just his foot that was bothering him. i will try to book in the bovine hoof guy in the next couple of weeks. i am dreading it tho cuz getting percy in the chute will be upsetting.

i need to get nugget moved into a bigger cage.

we are trialling a new natural anti-anxiety on babette and chloe. if folks could let me know if they notice any changes i would appreciate it.

guess i better get ready for work.



Lynne, if you want to e-mail me (which might be easier) -


Hi Lynne - the gala is this Saturday, so I won't be seeing you at Saints on the weekend before then. Just let me know where I can meet you in Mission, and what time, and I'll be there on Saturday. Thanks!


i will talk to you this weekend my daughter and i will not be staying too late either. does maggie want to meet us at the shake and shingle and come with us. i have room for about 6 people.


Does anyone in the Mission area want to carpool? I won't be staying too late at the Gala though.


yeah what is going on with our volunteer table i think we had 1or 2 too many to sit there


Yes that's fine. Unless there is a spare seat at a volunteer table-the ticket is for Hana.


I still lots of tickets left... namely 41.

Janice I will reserve 4 for you

Dawne - I don't think they like putting 9 to a table if memory serves me right. What I will do is place the 9th ticket person near your table and then s/he can shimmy into your table when no one is looking
Will that work?

Bunny Horne

I just got a request for 10 MYSTIC collector cards. Someone in Ontario really loves our baby.


Can I put 9 at a table? If so I will need you to block off another ticket for me.



WEE are going to need 4 for sure and will know tonight if 4 more are required.