Rescue Journal


Sheila  ·  Sept 14, 2012

I thought I had organized my self well today. Went to Coquitlam, went into downtown Vancouver, went to Staples, parked my car at Commericial Dr in Vancouver and spent one hour and 15 minutes folding programs in my car before meeting with the spca animal advocacy group... and as I am sitting there congratulating myself on how I am not wasting time and folding programs... I thought comes into my brain. Oh my god I forgot to pick up the glass plaques we had made up for the $1000 donors. I think oh it is in Langley on the way to Pitt Meadows. Come home and tell Leila and before I can say we can pick up on the way into Pitt Meadows she says they are closed Saturdays. YIKES.... and we have no extra ribbons.... YIKES


Barb Ferris

Sheila, please let me know if I can help today; I would be happy to help out.

Bunny Horne

Can't the $1000 donors receive their glass plaques post-Gala with a complimentary set of Collector Cards to say So Sorry. Sheila AKA Superwoman - you just try to do way too much - I don't know how you do it. Next year delegate some tasks - there are some folk that would gladly do tasks like picking up something from somewhere just so you had one less task on your plate.


not to worry, maybe there will not be any $1000 donors and this will be a non issue!


Yes Diana SAINTS can be involved and has received I believe 3 grants from them in the past. I am doing an application that has to be handed in on September 28th

Is this something that Saints can be involved with?