i cannot believe we went thru 4000 gallons of water just since monday am....that was basically 3 1/2 days. luckily i checked the tank last evening and found it was almost empty so i ordered more which should be delivered today.
we absolutely cannot afford to be spending $500 on water per week so just a quick reminder to everyone...please be super careful with our water use and wastage over the next few weeks or we will be bankrupt before the rains come and we can switch back onto the well.
thank god it is friday cuz i need a bit of a break. i am starting to really regret booking up next weeks holidays with casual shifts. oh well... just one more month then i can have a good stretch off from both jobs to try to recharge.
you know...crash is a really great dog. but he ain't ever going to get a real home of his own. he has little bowel control and he pees pretty much where ever without any thought. it is really too bad tho cuz he really is such a super sweet dog.
we started doing cartrophen injections on some of the newer guys and then we added a few more. holy shit..we went thru the entire vial with just the first dose. this is going to be a $1000 series to cover the ones who might benefit from the full 4 weeks. cartrophen tho is a great thing..it can kick arthritically crippled and painful dogs back over to feeling pretty damn good.
this 4 week set we are doing...bess,abbey, manny, riley, peluchi, and tess. i forgot to ask renee to add zsu zsu but i will leave her a note to add her today to the list.
in a month when they are all done if we can afford it... i would like to add..buddy, benny, crash, al, sam, leah and tina next. then the worst of the arthritics should be as good as they can be before the cold and wet of winter sets in.
which reminds me...in another few weeks we better start getting ready for winter. once we are back on the well...the water tanks need to be drained and the hoses brought in..out go the air conditions and fans, in come the extra heaters and i need to stock up on pet friendly de-icing salt, put out the snow shovels and bring in some sand plus bring in a big fresh load of hog fuel. AND we need to ensure all of the exposed water pipes heat tapes are checked and on properly and working to keep our water pipe freezing down to minimum...plus we better check all of the barn water heaters and extension cords too and make sure they all still work.
oh holy shit AND i need to get electricity out to the chicken house and the new mini pig house so we can put heat lamps in there! ouch..that will be a big $ one.
ok..now that i have totally freaked mysef out about getting ready for winter..i think i will go to work where none of this stuff is an issue.
Crol, I forgot to ask you today, what is Squirts (guinea pig) history?