Rescue Journal

saints welcomes the miracle baby.

Carol  ·  Sept 22, 2012

so this little babe was hatched in a commercial meat bird facility. she must have been culled cuz somehow or other, she ended up in the slaughter house. somehow she escaped slaughter but ended up in a truck bin full of dead chicken part offal. when the truck reached the rendering plant she was dumped with everything else into the rendering pit. how she wasn't crushed, how she actually survived is anyone's guess.

anyway, luckily she was found and rescued before the next load came in and now we have a new baby chicken..her name is jingles and i have to say, she is the dirtiest chick in the world. but she is alive and she seems pretty healthy so i guess she will live here at least for awhile.

being a meat bird doesn't bode well for her actually getting to live very long. she will grow too big, too fast and her heart or her legs will give out on her.

but for now she is safe and we will take good care of our new and littlest miracle babe.

welcome to saints jingles and a big high five to the folks who were all kind enough to rescue and take care of her!!!


Bunny Horne

Absolutely this is a MIRACLE BABY. He/She will feel welcomed at Saints for sure and when he/she makes it over to the Taj Mahal of Bird palaces it will think it's surely gone to heaven.

Carol - I forwarded an email from Barking Babies that was sent to Zoe, Nicole and myself. They have posted their fall fashion show on their F/B page. All funds raised are going to Saints Rescue. If no one else can attend Brent and I most certainly can - it's Friday night at 6pm. They were looking for one of the adoptable Saints canines to also walk the runway. Unless Nicole or Zoe is available with one of the fosters I don't see how that's workable, but let me know. I would like to be able to respond to Barking Babies as soon as possible.


welcome little babe, you are one lucky little chick so nice of the people to take care of her and have saints rescue her. so sad this reality has to be, i have ugly thoughts towards all this. enough said. welcome jingles you are goi8ng to love it at saints, maybe not a long time but a good time. and our two new dogs are sooooo sweet the one so reminds me of rosebud.