mya and phoebe.
i let phebes out of her zen den and then mya out of her crate. one and a half seconds later..phoebe is screaming in mya's face (like she used to do to tyra) and mya reacts by grabbing her with phebes flipped and pinned helplessly underneath her and a pitbull attached to her neck.
are you freaking kidding me???
i beat mya off her, throw mya back in her crate and phoebe back into the closet. the whole time i am yelling at them, you god damn mean and violent little bastards!!!!!
(don't freak out, i did not hurt her in the least. beatings from me barely got their attention, i am just not as viciously nasty as they can be.)
i could only barely make myself with great resentful effort let them out twice during the night for a quick pee and a snack and a drink before i locked them both down again.
i haven't been THAT angry at any of the dogs for a very long while but man i was totally pissed at them last evening. is the issue..last night was phoebe's own fault for being a retarded, spastic dweeb..but then i was home for lunch today and mya tried to nail abbey again when abbey went for a drink....and this time everything was calm and quiet..and with renee and i within a foot of her....she is not even trying to be sneaky any more.
mya is without a doubt the real major problem here.
we all spent close to an hour,,renee, erin, krista, laura and me... trying to figure out a suitable option or solution..move so and so here and so and so there, build this and that here or there but the other real issue is...we currently have too many dick heads.
i am boggled by mya, our newest big problem child. i know if i can find the right option for her and the others just like we did for jelly, puff, ed, odie and phoebe.... then all will be good. but where do i find it when we are so freaking full?????
we need to be really careful now because mya is inching ever closer to we just can't safely manage her...she is such a nice dog in all other respects besides being a hurtful food bully to all of the rest.
bottom line is...i don't want to nuke her and i don't want to be mad at her pretty much every day and i don't to be staring at her continually stuck in a cage. i want her to be a patient and polite and reasonable dog who stops blowing a instant gasket and freaking the other dogs out whenever they want to eat or drink.
mya, you are such a royal pain in the ass.
here is my one twisted funny for today..while we were all discussing mya and what the hell to do with her....our dear little phoebe is barking and bouncing up and down in front of me..and all of us knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that phebers was distinctly addng her two cents worth and telling me over and over just to be done with it and nuke her.
big always hates like....mirror images of the other.
Cesar is coming to Abbotsford in Nov.