Rescue Journal

more thoughts on stuff

Carol  ·  Sept 29, 2012

while we figure out mya, we have started her on an anti-aggression dose of elavil (that means the dosing is higher than we use for the anti-neuropathetic pain dose for the crippled dogs.) i gave up on the more natural zylkene for was pretty much useless for her. wil take about three weeks to hit theraputic effect, and it is in no way the miracle answer as phebes has been on it for years and all it really does is smooth down some of the worst haggy edges so she positively accepts more and negatively reacts less.

i have to pick up some more robaxin today...buddy is starting to grumble about his back again.,,,sure as shit..the warm and more comfortabe season for arthritics is over and the more colder and wetter and uncomfortable seasons are beginning.

i appreciate all of the helpful suggestions about caesar milan but in reality...sorry... but that is just one of those easy answer, someone can fix this for us, pipe kind of dreams. we need to be able to problem solve our own way thru this...there will always be a never ending list of pain in the ass dogs ending up here and caesar is not going to move in here.

i will tell you tho the only reason i would actually call him is because BC rescues have a huge hate on for him. i can't honestly tell you why this is so because quite frankly i have never paid much attention to what he actually does or what the hell everyone is bitching trainer, famous or not, holds much interest for me. i don't watch their shows, i don't read their books or articles and i don't pay attention to what other people who rage constantly about someone else think. so curiosity might be a motive to call him, just so i can see things up front and personally....but i am not that curious about it all that much either.

my assumption which i am happy to live with is like every other human in this world..he has his really great parts and some not so perfect parts too, i doubt he is any kind of doggy god and highly doubt he is any kind of doggy devil either...i bet you anything that this would be a more fair and reasonable assessment of him...i bet he has some things that i could really learn from and others that i think are just stupid.

people are so freaking weird...we always think the famous or successful are one or the other..we refuse to just let them be human.

whatever....i better get dressed and get moving here.



well let see... i saw him ' in Victoria ' you can tell he dances with dogs' he even wags a bit too '(hehe'' ) so he is fun & he says he is a people trainer' i learnt a thing or 2 & am leaving some stuff ' as you know no human is perfect i know i am not' But this is how he rolls this is how he does things & that's what he says'' its Caesar's way ''' all trainers have a way & they are all a tad different' just like teachers,lawyers ,bus drivers, they all have a way about them . He is respectful . & every thing happens for a reason ' i can't wait to know more lol cheersPolly ps Reese learnt a lot after i saw him 'lol


If you do persue caesar, but have no luck sparking his interest, my second cousin is quite in with him... She was selected out of 10,000 entries to be his junior dog whisperer. Jessica is 12. They were filming together in L.A. Earlier this year, I will give her a call if you're interested. If we could get her out to saints to check it out, she might be able to put the bug in Caesar's ear the next time they are filming.


The BC rescues might have a major mad on for him because he subscribes to "flooding". Personally I do not.
Shelagh is correct in that he does follow through and is absolutely consistent.
He does a lot of good. He goes down to Mexico and rescues dogs who are about to be electrocuted, which is their version of euth. He goes to prisons to teach inmates how to train dogs who would otherwise die. He works with rescues and shelters all over the place.
If he as a few free days in your area it might be worth having him come to saints so you can pick his brains, if nothing else. You can accept or reject anything he says... no harm, no foul.
Shelagh you might have to send him a video... not sure.
I am a retired teacher and throughout all those many years I taught I learned things from other teachers along the way...someone did something just a little bit differently or went at something from a different angle. Some of the tips worked and I was grateful for them, some of them didn't so I rejected them. You and all those at saints give everything you have to the lucky animals in your care. Maybe someone has something they can give to you. Maybe not, but nothing ventured, nothing gained. And as you always say, hope floats.


I agree with Erin - he is cute. If he ever did come up to Saints, Erin & I would have to find an excuse to be there are the same time!!!!!! My daughter is going to see him when he comes to Abbotsford - will be interesting to see what she thinks of his presentation.

shelagh f

maybe they don't like him, because his style is be the
leader and some think he is too dominant. He dominates
the dogs and they just fall in line. His style is a bit
aggressive with some dogs, but he is not mean, and what
he does, works. His style is consistant and he follows
thru, which is so important, but so hard to do.
He is also coming to B.C. for some talks in early
November, Abbotsford and Penticton with some free days
in between. Maybe he might like a tour of the area,
say Mission?
Leila and I will work on a write up for your approval.
I looked at the bully buddies web site. Tough competition, but it might be worth a try


lol erin..i did hear he smells really good idea what his aftershave is but apparently woman REALLY like it!

her dose is 0.2 mls.


cesar milan is really good looking, thats why i like him, no idea if what he does works or doesnt work, he looks good doing it! also, before i forget, renee and i did NOT do zsu-zsu (cartrophen) cause she couldnt remember the dose. i can do her when i get there if you want....