i got the 12 hour shift out of the way yesterday but it was a very long day. the good news is work did cover next weekend so i am off the hook for those extra shifts so i am happy about that.
big thx to our sunday bedtime folks who got everyone safely to bed for me last night!
the bed buddies absolutely flooded my room last pm...and that was with me letting them all out on my dinner break. not sure what is going on in there except a whole lot of peeing everywhere!
so sorry to the day staff today for all of the extra laundry..i was too beat when i got home and went straight off to bed once the bedtime chores were done.
i don't have much news from yesterday cuz i wasn't here...the ones i took care of at bedtime and checked on my final rounds all seem to be good including the rock.
and now i need to get ready for work again....life is just so freaking fun!
oh and...mya is such a good girl. she got up this morning, came out for a snack, drink and a pee and then put herself back to bed in the crate again...yay! i don't have to feel mean making her go back in this morning!!!
No worries Brenda..i didn't even see her out..so she must have come out after everyone else. What a treat that Mya likes her crate makes it so much easier.