what ray thinks.
all of the other horses have been around here long enough now to know...what being saints' horses means. even dixie knows, despite being sent off for a year to boarding. they have all left their pasts where they belong...in the murkiness of long ago.
maybe i wonder more about ray because unlike the others..i know quite a bit of how he used to live for many years. i can see him tied day after day, nose to butt with his shared stall mate..unable to move and hungry all of the time.
so what does he think about how things are now? does he believe that this is how it will now forever be?...an unending full belly, able to move freely, a best friend in gideon and constant human care and attention?
does he feel that this was how it was always supposed to be? or does he not even think about how things used to be..is he just content now to be happy?
ray is a great hearted horse. he is kind and gentle and cooperative. and he is strong....ray has suffered greatly at the hands of man, yet he remains a pure spirit and unscarred.
i am not sure how he has managed that.
gideon is the white shining knight and raven is the starry dark knight, they glow from the goodness that resides in their hearts.
i think the best gift that saints has ever given is the life that both of these old horses always deserved....a life of kindness and care that they can now forever rely on.
god bless the ancient ones, wrap them safely in the warmth of your heart.
Absolutely beautiful words Carol and absolutely stunning pictures Jen.