Rescue Journal

harry has passed away...

Carol  ·  Oct. 17, 2012

laura rushed him into the emergency clinic in the middle of the night when he started to crash. he wasn't just suffering from a massive infection, the emerg vet found a large abd mass too.

harry was one those truly great cats..tons of personality and tons of stuff to say. harry just loved to talk!

hugs to laura for the loss of her friend, and as always.... thank you from all of us for giving him a loving home of his own to finish his life.

rest in peace harry, you were a wonderful cat!





Harry was for sure one of kind....he didn't care much about my other cats....just people....harry was like a dog always at my feet...harry was a cog(cat/dog). I was forever tripping over him, he would just appear out of thin air. Also the talking and chattering was non stop...Harry had alot to say. Harry you were a very special friend who was loved and will be missed.


really sorry Laura - I did not know Harry, but he sounds like a gem. Hugs to you


He Was a great guy. I liked how he would stare and you and lip sync a meow