Rescue Journal

we lost percy tonight.

Carol  ·  Oct 25, 2012

he herniated his bowel into his scrotum again, he was in so much pain i just couldn't put him thru another horrible surgery. the vet came out and helped him to pass.

i love you percy and i am so very sorry we couldn't help you again.

In memory ...


Percy was famous for his cowlicks ...

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Percy's page with more photos and his story about how he came to saints:



Oh man, I just read this. I am so sorry Carol, and everyone at SAINTS. I loved Percy, some of my favourite photos ever are of that handsome dude. So very sorry :(

Pam from Nashville, TN

Ooooh Carol, my heart is broken for you and Saints. Rest in peace dear Percy. :(

Cheryl K

Wow..I came on here and was stunned..having met Percy on more then one occasion I still can't believe this beautiful..the most beautiful cow is gone..I am so very very sorry..


Rest in Peace Percy.. your cow kisses.. aka sandpaper licks will be missed..


So sorry to hear this Carol, Percy was so loved by you and your crew. May he rest peacefully with his Saints pals in heaven.


Off topic, heads up to all the Cat folks. Friskies canned is 20 for $10.00 at London Drugs


So sorry to Carol and all the volunteers at Saints. We only met Percy once and he was ill at that time but he made a big impression on my friend and I!

God speed Percy you will be missed by more people than you realize!

cheryl and stef

So sorry for your loss. Percy was always the greeter whenever we came by. He will be missed by all who had the pleasure to meet him both in person and in photos. RIP percy i wonder who the first was to get a big lick from you at the rainbow bridge.


Oh Percy!!! You were the one who stole my heart... I will miss you and that giant tongue of yours and the awesome hairstyles and rashes all over my arms from all the licking. It was a true honor to know you and share stories of you. You my large handsome friend will never be forgotten. Rest in peace big buddy! XO


so sad...he will be missed by everyone. It was an honor Percy, hope to see again one day.


I really wanted to be there this morning and touch him before he was moved and help out Lexy but i have a shed being delivered and hay coming this morning .


So sorry to hear this. Percy was one of the first animals I met at SAINTS on our tour and one of the reasons I wanted to volunteer. Such a kind, sweet guy with great licks. Last time when I was working there I got a great big lick in the face when cleaning out the loafing shed. I will miss him so much, not going to be the same. Big hug to you Carol, I know how much this guy meant to you and how much you are going to miss him <3


So sad...RIP Percy. Hugs to all of you who loved him and cared for him so well.

Janette Korabo

oh Carol, how hard it is to lose them... I hope Percy is in a better place with no pain only endless green fields to romp and graze in...

janet nicholson

So sorry about Percy - he was so lucky to have spent time at S.A.I.N.T.S. where he was loved and care for so well.

Wendy Scott

So sorry to hear about Percy's passing . He was a beautiful boy. He was dearly loved and well taken care of by you Carol .


I'm so sorry to hear this. Goodbye Percy. Hugs to you Carol, and everyone who loved that wonderful boy. I am sure he changed a lot of perceptions about his species in the years he was at SAINTS.


Its with tears and sadness that I write this. I was planning to pop by on Saturday with some meds and have a visit with him. I was so blessed to have met Percy and visit him when I could. He was like a giant pup. <3 Thank you Carol and all the staff and volunteers at SAINTS. Thanks to you all Percy lived the life that all farm animals should live. RIP Big Boy xxx


Awe Percy. Can't believe he is gone. So sorry for a everyone who was touched by his big wonderful presence. Bye beautiful boy. <3


Sorry to hear of this. Percy was such an icon... He will be remember by many.


He was a teacher a friend and our backyard ambassador..and i can't believe he is gone. I am thankful for all the memories i have and will miss him immensely.


Big hugs to you Carol and all the barn yard workers, sweet dreams Percy, you were very special to a lot of people.


Oh Carol, I am so, so sorry to hear about Percy. Please send my condolences to all of the SAINTS family, especially those that took care of him the most.

You did what you could for him and then did the merciful thing and ended his suffering.

Rest in Peace, Percy. You will be missed by everyone who knew you.


RIP big buddy. You will be missed immensely by everyone. The barn yard will never be the same.


Unbleivable huge loss to the SAINTS herd.. i am so sorry you couldn't be with us longer big guy . Hugs to you Carol and all who were touched by his soft beautiful brown eyed presence.


Not much of a consolation to say but he had some great years after his rotten start in life. Can't believe that this great vital presence is gone. Sorry,Carol


i too am so so sorry. he had his cow moms and his barnyard friends and his human mom who loved him very dearly. not a post i was expecting rip big guy, who is going to chew on our hair now.


@#%&* Percy was one very special boy....he just oozed character....he was Saints own just won't be the was a huge honor to have known you Percy...RIP

Bunny Horne

Oh NO, Carol, I am so very sorry. Rest in Peace Sweet Prince, you will be greatly missed. I loved you so.


I am so sorry Carol and all of the Saint volunteer/workers. I know how important and loved Percy was, he will be missed


So sorry Carol for the loss of Percy. He was a great boy, and will be missed by many. RIP dear Percy.


Oh shit Carol; I'm so sorry to read this post. Percy was very lucky to have landed at SAINTS, and he couldn't have been given better care, and consideration for his quality of life than what he received from you,- and the staff and volunteers in the "barnyard crew". He was a special guy, and will be greatly missed. Big hugs all around.


Oh Carol - you're having such a horrible week. So terribly sorry to hear about Percy. Rest in peace sweet boy, no more pain for you. You did the best you could for him Carol - he wouldn't have thanked you for prolonging his suffering. We'll all miss him.


Awww Carol :( Everyone loved Percy...I know I did when I was there. My heart breaks for you and the animals tonight :(