taking in bobo was a big booboo.
every day it is something..like the oaf just can't seem to smooth off the uncivilized, barbarian, kick ass edges that make him such a disruptive pain in the ass.
erin was proactive today and put a clip on the computer room door so bo couldn't accidently open it and get in with his arch enemy odie. i come home, unclip the door and enter the computer room to open the doggy door, let phebes out of the zen den and free mya from her crate. as i am exiting the room...bo pushed thru my legs and slipped thru.
he and odie were at it full force in an instant..i was on it just as fast and grabbed bo by the tail and dragged him across the kitchen and back into the computer room. odie literally pissed himself in a combination of fear and utter rage..he hurt his back leg when he slipped in the pee. this was the only injury because SO FAR..bo doesn't actually bite he just rushes snarling full speed ahead, mouthing and sliming his victims, and scaring the piss out of them.
i have pretty much had it with this doorknob...he gets along fairly fine with the dogs in his room...he is just a major dickhead with everyone else outside of his room..
bo is not that old...maybe 10ish at a rough guess. theoretically he could have 5 or 6 or 7 active years of kicking ass left.
someone please shoot me before i shoot this oafish, sometimes sweet, yet total pain in the ass moron.
he is such a big booboo on my part...my current biggest regret.
(i am however, fairly sure somewhere in the future, there will be a few more.)
damn rescue.
oh yay ashley! i never thought of having it compounded into a capsule...thx for the tip, i will ask the vet about this!