Rescue Journal

quick updates

Carol  ·  Dec 16, 2012

janice called me...chilko had emergency surgery late today..she was obstructed. Dr. Loff removed a rock and about a foot of necrotic bowel. i think i owe him a bottle of crown royal!

we had our xmas party tonight...anne did a great job of organizing it. unfortunately she is down with the flu so hubby, daughter and baby grand daughter took care of everything for us all. what a great family team...THANK YOU!!!!

smokey really is not doing well..i might have to make his final appointment for early this week.

and something is up with al tonight..not quite sure what it is. but he is really needy..curled up tight against me in bed. he seems comfortable and is sleeping but he isn't normally stuck to me like velcro so it worries me a bit.

chloe goes in for her vet assessment and possible surgery tomorrow...i hope she is not too upset by it all.



So Sorry you missed yesterday Ann

That little thank you note you wrote to the volunteers was absolutely lovely. And the cake was delicous. Loved the pull thingys with the hat inside. My brother in law comes from England and they always have it at their house for Christmas and New Year Eve every year. I keep telling Carol she cannot loose you cuz you are a treasure. And you don't get mad at Carol like I would when I volunteered in your position so you are doubly a treasure.


Janette, can you e-mail me and I'll look after the ROE for you, thanks


Back in the land of the living, thanks for your kind comments, so glad you all enjoyed yourselves, I'll have to try and show up next year LOL


Wondering how Al is this morning ? I thought yesterday that he looked like he may be losing weight...


Ann; hope you're feeling better - We missed you, and your family did a fantastic job. Ditto for the comments made by Mo and Penny- it was really enjoyable, and thanks Ann for the litle gifts you made up for everyone - very thoughtful.


Great party, Ann. So sorry you couldn't be there and hope you're feeling better. You did a fantastic job of organizing the party and kudos to your family for stepping in and taking care of everything so well. It was nice to spend time socializing with everyone - we usually don't have time to chat much when we're running around taking care of the animals. Thanks!

Janette Korabo

Carol, Is it possible to get a record of employment from you for the time I worked at Saints? It would be much appreciated! Thanks, Janette


Thank you so much Ann & family for organizing a great Christmas Party. It was nice to see everyone in one spot & not holding a mop, or brush or poop scooper or pitchfork or wheelbarrow.

Pawsitive vibes for Smokey & Chilko .


So sorry I could not make the Xmas party .... Couldn't get a sitter, and as much as my daughter wanted to come too, I figured she'd be bored.
Not good to hear Smokey has not picked up, such a handsome sweet boy.