Rescue Journal


Carol  ·  Dec 17, 2012

stop already with the sick guys are driving me crazy!!!!

wilma is not well...not eating, bloody diarrhea. i just talked to the vet and am holding her insulin tonight...she has an appointment tomorrow morning. and i am to hunt around and see if i can find some flagyl to start her tonight.

dave also gave me a quick end of the day update...chilko is still not eating, looks like she has panceatitis because the rock was so large and probably irritated the pancreas on the way past. poor dog..she feels like utter crap!

smokey also goes in tomorrow..i just want some guidence with decision making... xmas is sneaking up...i don't want him in crises when the clinics are closed.

chloe is in at the vets and booked for a biopsy and spay tomorrow..catching her was a freaking drag. dave says he also doesn't think she is feral..she is passive and easy to work with once their hands are on her..he thinks she is a highly traumatized girl...poor thing. i said to go ahead and do everything they think she could possibly ever need cuz the chances of my getting my hands on her again are not good.

brent, our farm vet called with clara's bloodwork. lots of things wrong....could just be a high parasite count..or it could be something significant and life threatening. i am to pick up wormer tomorrow and see if she improves...if not there is some more testing to do.

gilbert had an abcessed foot, but steve our other farm vet was here checking out raven. so he lanced it and gave him a long acting ABX injection so hopefully his foot won't be so sore in a couple of days.

raven checked out pretty well..looks good in all areas. the vet did take blood so we will see what that says..mybe it will explain why he seizured.

oh and al is still off..not sure how or why...but he is not himself.

everyone please just stop getting old.



hey renee..good on you for checking!
you will be dropping off halo at hillndale first thing at 9 for her ultrasound (don't feed her!)..i will have already left for maple ridge with smokey and wilma by 830.