re: an explanation of our animal profiles and web site updates
Carol · Dec 20, 2012
we have switched to only linking our adoptable animals to the petfinder site.
the unadoptable animals aren't on petfinder because they are not adoptable and we don't need a bunch of inquiries on cute unadoptables like andy.. so chloe won't go on to petfinder as she has been deemed as, good luck getting a picture of her anyway...she hides and runs.
unfortunately with all of the animals in and out of here so was too labor intensive for nicole to keep up with who came in, who went out to adoption, permenent foster or passed away..entire pages had to be created, posted and then moved all around...VERY time consuming and not very easy. if we were a smaller, less active shelter it would not be quite so hard.
so linking to petfinder became the solution because it is easier for the rest of us to quickly update..jenn has taken this chore on and been pretty good at keeping it up.
if folks are looking for current photos..the best place to find those are in the facebook photo galleries..jenn has uploaded hundreds of new photos...she does this almost monthly. if folks are interested in a photo or a brief profile on any particular can use the search button at the side of the blog or leave a comment in one of the posts and i will pull something together and post it.
the only part of saints entire website that i can personally access and use is the wordpress blog page which is why i post as many updates as possible on here.
in a perfect world we would have a paid tech. person to keep everything easily accessible and up to date..we don't have that luxury yet. volunteers are busy..they have their own fulltime jobs, families and animals. volunteers come and go and sometimes their skill sets are not able to filled by anyone else. we had this same issue over and over with the admin/book keeping stuff til ann took it all on...if ann ever needs to pull back or god forbid, leaves, we are totally screwed...(ann..please never leave!!!)
some of the pages have been converted to wordpress, like the events page... so jenn and sheila can easily access them too.
anyway...we get a fair amount of emails and comments about the website not being up to date...we are working on this and implementing solutions whenever we can.
BUT...quite frankly our priority is in caring for the needs of the actual animals and that takes a lot of time and effort. the nice too's like fully up to date virtual cyberspace stuff has to play second fiddle to the real and actual work that we do.
the ideal solution is for me to up date the web site myself..i am the only one who probably knows every single animal, and what is daily going on. sadly i am the only real 100% forever constant who cannot ever leave (cuz i live here!) and i work here for free but i am 54 yrs old, completely techno ignorant (and content to remain so) and far too busy and i hate that kind of techno shit frustrates the heck out of me
this is a really busy place, changes are happening constantly. a fully up to date website just ain't going to happen until we can hire someone and give them a job description that includes the web site updates as part of their paycheque. right now... our time, money and energy are far more needed some place else.
I tried the facebook page and was able to look at some photos, then ......... it said "must log in to continue". Ughhhh!!! #$%#@