Rescue Journal in a fog.

Carol  ·  Dec 27, 2012

i feel crappy...up every two hours to pee cuz of the BP meds..and each freaking time i just had to look some more for that missing ID tag since i was up and it is right at the front of my mind bugging me. i don't get BP has been down... (122/80 yesterday) so why do i still feel queasy, lightheaded, brainless and foggy? i must have put that friggin thing somewhere..why can't i remember??
big is this constant icky feeling of being hung over and out to lunch which is driving me insane. i have only been hung over once in my entire adult life and i hated the feeling which is why i pretty much never drink...drunk is gross and hangovers suck. i am pissed that even without alcohol, i feel like has to be a side effect of the new meds...ohfreakingyay.

sometime today, i will have to pull my car apart, one thing at a time. that is the only place left that i haven't ripped fully apart and checked...just did a quick rifle thru. and that tag better be in there or i will have officially lost my freaking foggy mind.



thx for all of the suggestions..the ID tag is not in any of those locations but i appreciate your thoughts.
i suppose whatever happened to it will remain one of those odd unsolved and unexplainable mysteries that just totally pisses me off.
these things are such a time consuming freaking hassle to replace.

pat barr

Try on the hook where you hang the car keys -
a sensible place to leave them - (not that sensible is a place to be right now)
how about under the hook that holds your pj 's
in your lunch bag?
Try dumping out your purse - U might be surprised at what is on the bottom !
Last guess would be inside the frig -
been there done it all -
Good luck


Inside freezer/fridge? I found Dad's glasses there after they were missing for weeks.


Sorry, I can't help with the ID badge.
"queasy, lightheaded, brainless and foggy?" Could be a headache-less migraine or maybe you need your electrolytes/UR/CR checked--maybe your sodium is low? Maybe 122/80 was too quick a drop/too low for you right now if your BP has been high for awhile? I hope you feel better soon and that you find your ID badge.


Ok if the ID turns out to be on the table in the shop.. I seriously need to concentrate on what the winning numbers for the next lotto max are.

Cuz it is only in my " minds eye " that I 'see' it sitting there.


On Sunday I think I saw a blue band holding keys on that table in the shop?