Rescue Journal


Carol  ·  Jan 15, 2013

frankie had some kind of seizure or something today...i just checked her, she is moving around ok but not interested in dinner. she is on the watch list.

pokey not eating again.i let him out of his age tonight in case it is confinement depression. he is on the watch list.

shep wouldn't eat earlier today but he did eat little ceasars for supper. he does look a bit down still tho so he is on the watch list too.
poor dionne had a bunch of sickies today.

new incoming....14 yr old sheltie from the spca (not the 14 yr old deaf sheltie who never showed up, this is a different 14 yr old sheltie.)
possibly a 12 yr old chi with a crooked nose..long complicated story on her so i won't know if she is coming until i pick the sheltie up (tomorrow afternoon.)

i keep pulling peices of a pedigree dog food can out of the big boobs mouth..i have no idea where he is getting it from but he better not have swallowed any bits. dumbo...i guess i am watching him too.

vet runs tomorrow..ed, oliver for and halo for me.

michelle found exactly what i wanted for a fold down new futon couch for the big dog goes on sale on friday (cheapcheapcheapcheap....)so she will pop in and pay for one (maybe two?) for me cuz i am working. YAY MICHELLE!!!

i hope that is all of the news for now.



I was thinking with Shep that maybe his nose cream is the problem. He licks his nose so maybe it is leaving an aweful taste in his mouth.