apparently my sciatic nerve is havng a fit for the past few days and it freaking well hurts.
big sigh..i have already been over to the house this morning to check the cat. god damn you whiggy, you freaking wing-nut... go into the f%'ing trap!
i was gone from here for like half an hour..lots of time for everyone to shit and piss everywhere. and i can see the kitchen/computer room door has again been partially eaten so odie and the boob were door fighting again when i wasn't here...bad, bad dogs!
four and a half minutes before the warriors arrive..guess i better move my hurtin' ass. i will get that moronic puppy fed and safely lifejacketed up so he can go eat horse shit out in the barn...fletch really likes that.
lol...i haven't given mya a moment of worry over the past couple of weeks..this was her family that was meant to be. thank you for looking for the dog of your dreams in a senior and special needs facility!
a great dog found her own great home...there is some rightness in this world.
trial period is officially over.