Rescue Journal

sucks to be old and broken

Carol  ·  Feb 8, 2013

the new mattress arrives on saved a couple of hundred bucks to just stay with the current kingsized boxspring. i did not get the one that i was $2500 and sleep country is very rescue friendly and offerred it for $1200...a screaming deal. but i opted for the reg. $1200 for $600 deal instead because it was more responsible of me.
but man the one that i liked best was sooo nice...just like laying on a cloud..i might never have gotten out of bed ever again.
whatever...this new, not as great one, will do for least this new one won't smell.

i am hoping someone on sunday will help me haul the old one out to the shop before the new one arrives. i will arrange to get it to the dump later...along with the old futon, the old mystic shredded leather couch and the old broken water heater. apparently the shop is currently collecting a lot of old and wrecked stuff...i better do something about that!

fletcher has not bounced back with yesterdays fluids...he is still being a very good and quiet boy asleep on my bed...i am starting to get quite worried about him.

we let jet out of his cage yesterday and he has gone into hiding. my back is screwed up right now so i can't get down on my hands and knees to look under shit and find him. today he will have to be dug out of where ever he is and shoved back into the cage so i can keep an upright eye on him.

i think getting dressed this morning is going to literally be a pain...especially getting my socks on...big ouch.

i feel sort of like all of the old broken shit that is getting tossed around here..too wrecked to be of much use. hopefully the new bed helps fix me up a bit...hope floating again.

ok....time to bite the sock bullet...gotta get ready for work.



what a great deal!!

well, maybe next time, go for the one you want.... for the dogs as much as you. they'd like to feel that same level of comfort, too. ;-)


ray, halo, and fletcher are all ok considering they are either ancient, have bladder cancer or weird clotting factor and sodium deficiencies.
but all of them are doing ok today.


So sorry to hear about Fletcher. I hope he bounces back. Poor puppy. :0(