Rescue Journal

happy family day

Carol  ·  Feb 11, 2013

great photo's jenn. not quite sure why i feel so much more warm and fuzzy seeing them on film then i do in real life tho!

oh i know..cuz the photo versions are not actively bugging me!

it was an ok night..that new mattress is ok. not super great, not super oh my god this is so freaking comfortable! is just..ok.

which is better than it totally sucks.

as suggested...i am going to go look for a foam topper today tho..just a tiny bit of squishy, sink in comfort would be nice. in any case this one is also just going to last for a couple of years so maybe next time i will get the cadillac bed version and swoon with happiness every night!

the good news is....combine rescue and beds and there is always some near future second chance.

i was supposed to go out to chilliwack on saturday and pick up the new cats. between booking in the extra weekend shifts, finishing the last of the chores at deanna's house, picking up a huge load of barn feed, and just being plain stupid...i forgot. hopefully the shelter is open this family stat holiday and i can pick them up today. i will call in a bit and see. real news thus far today.... no disasters, crises or winning of lotteries. everyone is ticking along comfortably. hopefully it stays this way.



Carol, The white gate has a new latch and a new chain clip. But the post that the hinges are screwed to is rotting so I braced it for now, at some point you will need to replace it.


If you buy from Overstock don't you have to pay duty on your purchase so it doesn't seem worth it as it is readily available here in Canada.


Hi Carol, Just wondering if Christine mentioned the diapers for Max - would you like me to bring them up? I have some newborn ones - or has this already been tried?


the memory foam can go under the mattress cover. I assume Carol has some sort of "liquid" resistant mattress cover otherwise she would be buying a new mattress every month. they make them with "deep pockets" to accomodate pillow-top mattresses as well as memory foam toppers and feather bed toppers.

Lori Paul

Won't memory foam be difficult to keep clean with leaky dogs?
I know it seems imprudent but I urge you to trade up to the better bed, expense be damned. 1/3 of your life is spent in bed and the investment is worth it Carol. You deserve a comfortable sleep!


The memory foam comes in assorted thicknesses... go for the 4 incher! If you check overstock (which has good prices) they have specials on shipping... like your entire order ships for $2.95 or some such so it usually comes out cheaper than Bed Bath and Beyond, or the like. Downside... it won't be on your bed tonight.