Rescue Journal

hope floats..eternal.

Carol  ·  Feb 18, 2013

when i dropped off griffin's insulin, the vet wanted to talk to me but was busy with an emergency. so i grabbed my book and they took me into the quiet room and brought griffin in to visit with me. he was literally shuddering with very, very hard on the blind dogs to be hospitalized. i fed him and wrapped him up in a warm blanket and he finally stopped shaking, settled in and fell asleep for a bit while i read my book. when the vet came in, she went over the test results with me...nothing definitive..could be, might be....

anyway..i said i would like to bring him home as soon as he is breaks my heart to see that bossy braveheart reduced to quivering jello. she thought he could maybe come home later tonight so i will pop over after my family shift at the hospital..probably around midnight.
gotta love 24 hour emergency clinics when you have more than one emergency to deal are not confined to 9-5 business hours, you have an entire 24 hour day to actually squeeze important things in!!

i just finished reading "proof of heaven" (a neurosurgeon's journey into the afterlife.) all i can say is the possiblities it presents are fascinating....and comforting. for someone like me surrounded by so much death and filled with so many unanswered questions, doubts...and hopes, i am so glad that i found it. just the possibility of it all helps everything around me make a little more sense.



baby griffin is so good...such a good baby! ang will most likely be discharged home on wednesday and while she will have a long recovery, is doing much better.

saints griffin is very happy to be home, he is feeling a bit better and with his new meds should be back to his old self in a few days.

Bunny Horne

How are the two Griffin's - grand-baby Griffin and his mom and wee doggy-Griffin?