Maple Ridge Bosley's has been a huge supportor of SAINTS since we began. marion, the owner/operator has donated the vast majority of our monthly cat and dog food consistently, year after year. She also donates expensive custom cat trees to our silent auctions, attends our events and never misses a chance to sell our tickets, host our donation boxes, donate prizes to our pub nights and open houses and promote SAINTS every chance that she gets. Every time i go in there to purchase something for SAINTS...a huge percentage comes right off the top..she doesn't charge us one cent more than she absolutely has to....she refuses to profit from us.
It is not just SAINTS that she helps...she is equally generous to the Maple Ridge SPCA, Katies Place and other rescues out there. She hosts SPCA cats for adoption in the store, pays out of her pocket the costs of FIV/FeLV testing and finds many great homes among her loyal customers. Marion believes in rescue, she lives her support of homeless animals every many ways. she is a truly good person.
So along comes a new bad parent company which plans to exploit animals for profit by selling them at their company stores. Franchises like marions who own their stores will not have to sell them, but the stores owned by the company will.
so..what to do...what to do?
i will not penalize such a kind, generous and morally conscious person over something she didn't (and doesn't) do and over which she has no control.
and i will not support a corporate monster who fills it's profit belly by selling animal bodies and souls.
i say screw the bad parent company and their company owned stores. boycott them into either joining the 20th century animal welfare movement or straight into is their choice.
and i will continue to support the independently owned, rescue and animal friendly Bosley's and drive their profits up as high as i can (but i wil have to convince marion not to give us such big discounts to accomplish this!) i want to prove to that bad parent that exploiting animals for profit is so not cool and that their little independent owner/operators who choose NOT to sell living beings are way better people, are far more morally and socially conscious and ultimately much more successful and respected business minded people then the brain dead morons settling their greedy butts in their comfy new head office board room chairs.
to me this is the morally correct thing to do. honor and support the ones who do right and boycott the profits right out of the ones who do wrong.
this is fair.
PS - if anyone knows of anyone who can help, we have 40 fancy mice that we were called about yesterday and so we are looking for foster & adoptive homes. Tks