how come we put such intense value on our personal needs/wants/quality of life stuff and yet we so de-value the wants/needs/quality of life stuff for animals? heaven forbid someone gets in our way preventing us getting what we want..but we don't even think twice about screwing around some poor animal as we toss their whole life away.
why do we think this is ok?
is it because we can get away with it? is it because we don't believe in god anymore and think that we will not be held accountable for our actions one day? is it because right and wrong no longer exist or even if they do exist in this day and age...they no longer pertain?
every day someone says to buddy is such a nice dog. black buddy is a real cuddle muffin. black buddy's tail never stops wagging, he is such a happy dog. and yet his owner was going to take him out into the bush and get someone to shoot him..and they thought this was ok?
how do you just arbitarily steal another's life without even considering that maybe you wouldn't want someone to do that to you?
is it because they are animals and we think the same rules do not apply? is it because they are animals and we think they do not care if they live or die? is it because we are just so freaking self-centeredly selfish that it really never occurs to us that animals might actually value the quality of each day of their life? or is it because they really are nothing...they are no one..of no more value than a pebble we kick out of our way?
that book i just read is still sticking with me. if the author is right and eventually we will each reach a higher can we possibly ever get there if our lives here are littered with the suffering and dead bodies of all of the animals that the human race has used, sucked dry and then just tossed out of our way?
what i don't understand is...why do we not worry about this?...are we really that incredibly stupid? since none of us really knows for sure what comes at our death...why would anyone even take the chance of a shit load of reckoning for "done bad things to innocent animals"... a debt that may some day need to be repaid?
it is not just about giving a shit about is about getting our heads out of our butts and giving a shit about ourselves too. the only thing every single human on earth in common shares is.... NONE of us knows what happens at the time of our death.
might not be such a bad idea to be a little afraid...(just in case.)
Even if some (or many) people think of animals as a 'lower class', why does that give any person the right to neglect, abuse or not respect them I wonder?