Rescue Journal

SAINTS as a chance to win $20,000!!!

Carol  ·  Feb. 23, 2013

Sorry I have just copied over the contest as a jpeg. I hope everyone can read it - cuz I can't. I have lost the vision in my right eye and my left eye isn't the greatest either so I am having difficulty being ont the computer. It was easier for me to copy and paste instead of re-writing.

Okay, this is Leila whose eyes work and I know people will have problems reading this so I am going to retype what is in the JPG letter above:
Nature's Bounty is excited to inform you that your charity has been nominated and selected as a finalist in our "Share the Bounty" National Giveaway! Your charity is now eligible to win a donation of $20,000! Starting February 26, 2013 and continuing through to March 29, we are encouraging Canadians to visit and vote for their favourite charity every day. The more votes the charity has, the more chances it has to win and, as a finalist, we encourage you to spread the word and get all your supporters involved. There are three prizes available to be won by the charities with the highest number of votes at the end of the voting period:

Grand Prize: $20,000 CDN
Secondary Prize: $10,000 CDN
Third Prize: $5,000 CDN

All remaining charities will be put in a draw (one vote equals one ballot) in which 3 charities will be selected at random to receive a split share of $15,000. The more votes a charity gets the more chances it has of winning a donation.


Janice ter Borg

Good idea to let some media know and ask if they will mention the contest!


It specifically says "Canadians" so I assums those of us in the US are inelligible to vote? Please correct me if my assumption is wrong so I can vote.


I went to the rules and regulation section, and the way I read it you have to register to vote and give your emial address you are going to use.One vote per day per person, and NO multiple e-mail addresses or it will be disqualification.
So let's win this contest honestly and hope we can get enough votes to win.


Is it possible for it to be posted on our facebook page so it can be shared?

Bunny Horne

Man oh man, Leila and I were on the same page. Go ahead and delete my entry. :')

Bunny Horne

GREAT NEWS, Sheila. Here's what it says:

February, 2013
Attention: Fundraising Department

Nature's Bouty is excited to inform you that your charity has been nominated and selected as a finalist in our "Share the Bounty" National Giveaway! Your charity is now eligible to win a donation up to $20,000!

Starting February 26th, 2013 and continuing through to March 29th, we are encouraging Canadians to visit and vote for their favourite charity every day. The more votes a charity has the more chances it has to win and, as a finalist, we encourage you to spread the word and get all your supporters involved!

There are three prizes avaialble to be won by the charities with the highest number of votes at the end of the voting period:

Grand Prize: A $20,000 CDN Donation
Seconary Prize: A $10,000 CDN Donation
Third Prize: A $5,000 CDN Donation

All remaining charities will be put in a draw, one vote equals one ballot, in which 3 charities will be selected at random to receive a split share of $15,000. The more votes a charity gets the more chances it has of winning a donation.

This is an exciting opportunity with big donation potential!
Get involved and share what you would do with the $@0,000 with your supporters; Print it in the local paper - Send it in an email - Call your local radio station.
Most importantly go to and VOTE!