Rescue Journal


Carol  ·  Feb 24, 2013

last of the laundry is finally in..there wasn't much left at the end of the volunteers day but with the rain and the mud, the animals made a whole bunch more!

i have tina sleeping in a laundry basket up on my bed. she has a sore leg and this prevents hubby from showering her with his odd form of sympathy and support..humping her which hurts her leg more.

nicki is getting depressed in the cage. she thinks maybe she has been a bad dog and i am punishing her today.
i have forgotten to mention that for the past couple of weeks chloe has been comfortably out and about during the day. she feels safe enough now to be sleeping in plain view with just keeping a cautious eye out in case anyone gets too close to her.
it is nice to see her feeling safe and at home during the daytime now too.

ann sent me an email..a donor was asking for an update on shep on the blog. shep is doing quite well. he has settled in here really well. he is a bit of a princess regarding canned food..9 times out of 10 what is for dinner does not meet with his approval. this necessitates opening various cans and finally resorting to hand feeding. i do believe he either has some minor dementia OR he is just a spoiled rotten bugger cuz if something is not right and i try to convince him that it really is good..he runs like i am trying to get him to eat poison.
his pemphigus is stable..he always has a thick slab of zinc on his nose and he still pees like a race horse. apparently his kingsized leaky bladder is here to stay.
anyway..he is a very good dog and all of us love him here.



thx laura good to know. i thought it was just her athritis acting i am thinking i better get her checked out just in case it is something more.


Carol, for info Tina's sore leg is probably courteous of Fletcher>>>> I witnessed on Sat Tina being run over by a flying thru the yard, one enjoying life puppy Fletch....she seemed fine and ran back in the house but I bet that may be when she hurt her leg.