
One thousand votes for Senior Animals In Need Today Society - 5th Place

Carol  ·  Feb 28, 2013

Day three of voting and we are currently in 5th place although the votes are very close up to 3rd place. We have recieved over 1000 votes but we will need many thousands of more votes over the next month. Every vote counts.

If you haven't voted yet today, here is your reminder to vote for "Senior Animals In Need Today Society"


Many thanks,

From the SAINTS family


Janice D

Is there a Mission newspaper that could publish a small article about SAINTS & ask people to vote? I think people always like to support their community!


Sheila and I do that Lynne and that is acceptable as it is one person one vote on their own email account.


jenn if my husband and i have 2 different emails but use the same computer that is okay tho


Susuan, we very much appreciate you voting for us but it is important to remember the contest rules - only one vote per person per day. We must obey these rules to avoid potentially being disqualified.


The link is posted on my middle school's Facebook page, so the entire population ( parents, teachers, and students) can vote! woohoo

PS Buddy has the best lovable face.....

Bunny Horne

I emailed my entire personal world this morning. Will try to discretely captur some of my business world next week when back in the office. Am posting on facebook every day.


i just checked and it is kind of exciting to see us up in third place at this moment. probably won't last, there is only a few votes between 3rd,4th and 5th but still it was nice to see us in third if only for a little bit!
and btw that photo of buddy..such a sweet and soulful boy!