Rescue Journal

we lost both snoopy and marg today.

Carol  ·  Mar 4, 2013

i took snoop into the vet this morning and dave took one look at him and shook his head. snoopy passed very quietly and peacefully. i am ok that we took the past week to try every possible thing. except for feeling weak and a little bit nauseated, i don't think snoopy was unduly suffering. i think we helped him to pass when all of us, including snoopy, had given up hope.

he really was a sweet and gentle dog.

rest in peace snoopy, you were not here long, but you were greatly loved.


marg has been battling inoperable mammary cancer for many months now. the large tumors while not really causing her too much discomfort yet were beginning to break down and the cancer was spreading. with fly season approaching and the risk of infection becoming greater each day, the vet felt that we should look at euthanizing sooner than later. since she was already there and really did not like getting shoved into tranport crates, i decided to let her go on a good day. she was outside enjoying the fresh air and sun today, she had her good friend tammy at the vet with us. this may well have been as good as it gets for her now. it was a good day and a decent way to end her life..not too much pain, not too much fear, just a peaceful passing before it got too rough.

rest in peace were a very beautiful cat with a very lovely soul.




Was looking at that photo of Snoopy you posted with this entry -- his ears make him look like a canine Yoda. Here's some Yoda/Snoopy wisdom for all of us:

"The fear of loss is a path to the Dark Side." >> Yoda

Death is a natural part of life. Rejoice for those around you who transform into the Force. Mourn them do not. Miss them do not. Attachment leads to jealousy. The shadow of greed that is. Train yourself to let go of everything you fear to lose." >> Yoda


Thank you so very much for taking such good care of Snoopy in his final month or so of his life. He was a very sweet dog and well loved by my 7 yr old daughter. He will be greatly missed. We love you snoopy! Rest in peace bud


Oh so sorry to hear. I did not get to meet Snoopy on his short stay at Saints. Marg was a dear and she will be missed by us MP people that knew her well.


I had to be careful brushing Marge on Sunday, I saw how bad it was getting. Glad she has moved on to a nice quiet resting place


Snoopy was a real sweetie and I am glad he was able to spend his last days being a bed buddy.Marg was beautiful and i feel sad for not knowing her .


Marge was a beautiful cat. I'm glad she got to feel the sun on her back today. Going to miss her.


so very sorry for your losses, loved snoopy , never got to meet marg but i am sure she also was a swetheart. glad you got to spend some time at saints you two. rip

shelagh f

Oh dear, even when expected, it is hard to take. Marg
did have a good last day, in my opinion. I feel bad
I didn't get a chance to see Snoopy, was busy giving
Mumford a cuddle, what a cutie. Too short a time,
Snoopy. If J would like a pick up once to come out
to Saints, let me know. Probably not going to work
as an ongoing thing but you can email me and we could
get together for a pick up at the sky train, one time

Janice ter Borg

I am so sorry. I didn't get to meet Snoopy but he sounded like a sweetie. I did meet Marg and will miss seeing her next time I'm at SAINTS. RIP little ones.


Sorry about Snoopy and Marg. It sounds like Snoopy was ready to moe on to the next world. You did what you had to do -- a great kindness -- and both are now at peace.


I'm so sorry for your loss. Thank you for all you did for each of those sweet animals in their final days.