Rescue Journal

big losses at saints...

Carol  ·  Mar 14, 2013

bun jovi died suddenly and unexpectedly during the night. he hasn't been ill or acting strange in any way and was only 3 or 4 yrs old. he was a sweet and shy little bunny and anthony hopkins will so miss his brother as will we.

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peluchi passed peacefully away with his head tucked into my neck and shoulder this afternoon. the vet felt he was continuing to deteriorate and there was no hope left for him. peluchi came in back in 2006, he was 10 yrs old with a grade 4/5 heart murmur. peluchi did pretty well to make it to almost 17 but he will leave a big hole in our hearts and on my bed.

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such a sad in peace little buddies.



Oh No!!!!!! That is so sad Penny and I were just talking about how sweet Bun Jovi and Anthony Hopkins were on Sunday.. They loved one another and he will be missed. Rest in Peace our little sweetheart. Young Healthy and no signs of anything wrong I wonder what happened???

I am very Concerned about Ogrady i was thinking he would go first not Bun Jovi..

Rest in peace as well Peluchie love your pic you also looked like a real sweetie.

I too am heartbroken at the loss of our sweet little black Bunny Bun Jovi.

wendy scott

Sad to hear about Peluchie, may he rest in peace. Big hugs to you Carol, and bless you for all you do


wow, bun jovi...that is a shock...anthony hopkins will so miss his friend.
peluchie has been such a long time presence at saints...he held the title as one of the best wet food spoon eating bed buddies....he will be missed...


Peluchie will be missed by all, he was such a large and kind presence with the bed buddies. RIP Peluchie. I didn't know Bun Jovi, sorry for his loss to all that loved him.

Janice ter Borg

Aww, I love the "swamp rat" post. So sorry to hear about these two sweeties.


Peluchie will be missed. This swamp dog post made me smile though -


Read your website more than 1 daily, So,sorry for all of your recent losses,
I have recently lost our precious 15 yr old rescue who only joined us May 2012'
miss her so much, she has gone to join all of the other
Rescues now being cared for by my Mother and St. Francis in that order , hopefully in a better and kinder world then they ever experienced,here.
So sorry
"Senior dogs rock?

Brenda Mc

I'm very sad about Peluchi - and I didn't know Bun Jovi (but love the name). Those 2 weren't even on the "watch" list last week - you just never know. So sorry Carol.


OMG - I can't believe it!! Bun Jovi was so young and healthy and as you said, Carol, I was petting him on Sunday and he showed no signs of being ill at all. There are much older and sicker bunnies who might pass away at any time, but not him. I'm absolutely heartbroken.


So sorry for the loss of Bon Jovi and Peluchi. It is a labor of love that everyone at SAINTS does and it carries with it such heartbreak. May God bless you all and ease your pain.