i am just going to lay this out on the line...
Carol · Mar 23, 2013
there is no way to take the ugly horror out of this so i won't even try.
i will be euthanizing fletcher, a sweet, innocent, 6 month old puppy for unprovoked extreme dog aggression.
today, he hit odie from behind, knocked him off his feet and went for the belly. i couldn't get him off until i finally twisted his collar and cut off his air supply.
this will have been his third unprovoked attack on the other dogs this week.
odie is in at the vets having surgery, but he will be ok.
i am not going to go into the what if's or might be's or the agony of decision making or how utterly shitty i feel. i am responsible for the safety of the animals here and fletcher has crossed the line from sometimes an asshole into the real danger zone. he has that dangerous, unpredictable trigger, his aggression is mindlessly focused, he bites multiple times and hard, won't let go and he is just too great of a risk.
i am so very, very sorry about this.
Its a very sad time ' i hope Odie feels better soon' i'am so lousy with words & but i'am sorry ' & understand' Be well soon ' Pollyb