Rescue Journal

i am just going to lay this out on the line...

Carol  ·  Mar 23, 2013

there is no way to take the ugly horror out of this so i won't even try.

i will be euthanizing fletcher, a sweet, innocent, 6 month old puppy for unprovoked extreme dog aggression.
today, he hit odie from behind, knocked him off his feet and went for the belly. i couldn't get him off until i finally twisted his collar and cut off his air supply.
this will have been his third unprovoked attack on the other dogs this week.

odie is in at the vets having surgery, but he will be ok.

i am not going to go into the what if's or might be's or the agony of decision making or how utterly shitty i feel. i am responsible for the safety of the animals here and fletcher has crossed the line from sometimes an asshole into the real danger zone. he has that dangerous, unpredictable trigger, his aggression is mindlessly focused, he bites multiple times and hard, won't let go and he is just too great of a risk.

i am so very, very sorry about this.



Its a very sad time ' i hope Odie feels better soon' i'am so lousy with words & but i'am sorry ' & understand' Be well soon ' Pollyb


Still trying to take it all in. Completely understand the hard decision Carol has had to make.
RIP little Fletcher

Barbara DeMott

I too totally understand. I hope the support from those who care about you gives some comfort in what was a horrific event/decision.
Take care of yourself!!

another Doreen

Oh Carol, I don't know where you find the strength to do what you have to do sometimes, but I do admire you for it. And your ability to put on a brave smile at the fundraiser with all that going on. Poor Fletcher just had too many things stacked against him but was lucky to have the time he did at SAINTS. You definitely tried with him!


I agree with Wendy. It's about the safety of ALL the animals in your care


As devastating as this has to be for you, and I am certain it is, you really had no other choice. It's not like you have a plethora of healthy alpha females running around out there ready to step right in and teach him some canine manners in dog-speak. Instead you have a bunch of very-lucky-to-be-with-you ancient ones a few of whom probably have a certain amount of difficulty simply standing up on any given day, much less having the ability to fight back.
You did the best you could for him, as you do for all your lucky SAINTS, but this is too big a risk for too many others. Sending prayers for you. And Odie is very lucky that you were right there.

Barbara T


Support your decision and your need to be ever watchful for the care of the other dogs in your home and SAINTS.

Good wishes and healing thoughts being sent to Odie and blessings to Fletcher for the time he had with you.


Oh Carol-how very sad for all concerned. I wonder if poor Fletcher has had some type of intermittent bleeding on his brain.

I hope Odie gets better soon and that Fletcher finds peace on the other side. Such an awful decision to have to make but for the best.


Unfortunately, you can't have that kind of dangerous and unpredictable behaviour around the sick and senior animals. Fletcher's bleeding disease may just be part of more serious things wrong with his system. May the Creator bless him on his journey to the Rainbow Bridge.

PS: I hope Odie is okay-- he's my favourite "bad boy" dog at SAINTS. I had a blind dog, and ever since, all blind dogs hold a special place in my heart.


So sorry Carol. Glad I got to say goodbye to Fletch today. Heartbreaking, but support your decision.


oh, Carol.. what a terrible thing to witness and decision to make.

i feel for you. :-(


What a terrible spot to be in, Carol. Totally supportive of your decision, it was much too dangerous for the other already compromised dogs.
Please let us know how Odie is doing.

pam in Oz

a very hard decision but the right one IMO ! You are the protector of these frail animals.

wendy scott

Sorry to hear Carol, but ultimately the safety of the dogs is important. Not an easy decision and I feel sorry that you have to be the one. I hope Odie will be okay.