I haven't yet got the total down to a fine science yet because I am avoiding counting all those coins. There is over $300's in coins ... I am going to have fun tomorrow. There were a few errors in counting yesterday because LEILA forgot to add $325 dollars to the house team. And an additional $150 came in for the MP room over the internet and okay between me and Leila we can't count.
The gross was about $13,500 and I am expecting a bill for over $1100 for the food so we netted $12,500 ( $1500 short from last year but who is counting... oh yeah I am)
The totals "Raise" amounts were as follows
MP Room - $3,444.35
House - $3,330
Barn - $2,830
Thank you to Brent and Bunny for raising $425 by selling 50/50 tickets and Alison for donating her winnings back to the Shelter (Yeah Team Barn), and honorable mention goes to Shawn Dodd for the most creative way of raising money (she sold her clothes online).
Could the person who brought in the sheet with donations from Tanya H, Dale C, Alison G. Sharon E, and P Mason email me your name - it isn't on the donation form and I need to know who you are to get you a gift certificate as your winning prize. I was thinking that I would like to buy $25 gift certificates from Mission Springs for the Team MP Room volunteers who fundraised; but if you prefer another restaurant (like Cactus Club) please email me at events@saintsrescue.ca
Also - everyone mark their calendar for the Wishes 4 Wishes Fundraiser on September 28th at the Pitt Meadows Golf Club.
Great Job, Great People, Great animals.
How can you go wrong with that winning combination ?
Thanks so much you guys for all you do for SAINTS.