not looking forward to today. i have to sedate odie and drop him off at the vets for his drain removal on my into work. the timing of the sedation is critical..i need to give it soon enough so he is calm by the time we get to the vets but not too early so he is wobbly and feels unsafe when i go to put him in the car or i will get bit again. he is such a tricky to handle bugger, i hope no human blood gets shed today...his i might not care.
the big dog room is empty...with halo gone, just jesse, mystic, june and andy left. with the gate fully open, some of those bed buddy brats could shift on over but they won't if i am not in there.
i said when halo, al and black buddy were gone, i would look at letting frankie the parapalegic pitbull in. but honestly? i don't want to. with so many recent losses, with the chaos of fletch..the last thing i want to deal with is an unknown 4 yr old pitbull who is crippled and will be highly stressed and broken hearted to boot.
once bitten, twice shy...i need to get over this.
maybe i will put him over til the middle of april and give myself some time to de-stress...the dog has a home and he is safe and i am not ready for pitbull rescue round twenty-two yet. we have had a lot of pits and pit crosses thru and except for al (and he had his moments when he was new too...)..most of them were in some way or another, a pain in the ass. it is not because primarily they are is because universally they are almost all block heads (except for al.) and frankie will be an issue due to his parapalegia..he is going to feel vulnerable when he arrives. dogs who do not feel safe, tend to be reactive...(case in point...mya..super good dog...MAJOR pain in the butt many dogs did she slice open in her first few weeks?...three i think.) i am not ready to objectively deal with the possibility of that again right now. i think i need a couple of weeks.
ah shit..look at the time...i better go sedate our own current freaky pain in the ass fuzzy beast.
bad day for odie..but hoping my day goes pretty well.
awww, im SO looking forward to meeting frankie, you watch, hes gonna be saints poster child/dog (i hope i hope i hope)