what a freaking doorknob. odie was beyond ridiculous today. the oral sedation i gave him, had no effect. so once they got him into the clinic, they tried to sedate him further with an IM injection ..nope..he was still ready to rumble and take out the world. then they went for the heavy duty paralysing shit except odie did not really respond to that much either. in the end they stuck a huge cone on his head so he couldn't actually bite..had two people wrestle nd hold him down and the vet froze his belly, opened him up and cleaned him up again cuz he was infected and then stapled him shut again...and odie never did give up the fight.
i was telling the nurses what an hysterical oafish moron he was..and one of them said...omg!! was that YOUR dog? i was in there when all that was happening and it sounded like a war zone back there. she said her dog got so scared from all the kerfuffle that she hid under the bench while she was waiting her turn.
ok..well he is not exactly MY dog..but close enough i guess cuz no one else sure as hell wants him.
i told him on the way home that when he is old and grey and ready to pass away..he damn well better do it in his sleep cuz ain't no one going to be able to euthanize him humanely..we will have to run him over with a tractor to help him to pass.
i feel like calling the spca and politely asking that they let me trade him in on a more cooperative model.
anyway as soon as we got home apparently the three times as many drugs that he got today in comparison to what he needed on saturday...finally took hold. he is out for the count and if he wasn't breathing i would think he was dead. pretty sure i could do all kinds of things to him at this moment if i really felt like it.
he has to go back in 2 weeks for drain and staple removal..oh freaking yay...they should just use a shovel and bop him on the head next time and try to knock him unconscious that way instead...gotta be cheaper than all of those drugs.
anyway..odie had a REALLY bad day today and if he wasn't so gawd damn hysterically stupid, he could have slept thru the whole freaking ordeal.
Because Odie is not living with me, this gave me a very good chuckle. If nothing else, Odie is good fodder for funny stories.