phoebe was pretty upset by the time i got home tonight...
Carol · May 5, 2013
she was having a freaking fit flipping around between her bed and the far end of the couch. I assumed she was choked cuz the air conditioner was on right next to her bed and she hates to be cold. so I went over to turn it off, cover her up in her fleece and then discovered what her real problem was....
jazzy had been in her bed and leaked in it. phoebe was beyond upset over this, I stripped off the pillow case, covered the rubber pillow with a dry fleece and covered her up with another.... a nice fresh warm and dry bed for our princess.
she was wrapped up and pretending to be asleep in less than 5 seconds.
this was her way of telling me, I got it all right for a change.
poor phebes...I rescued her the first time 8 years ago, and I am still rescuing her (from a wet bed) today. i think we will need to re-configure the computer room to not only get her bed away from the dreaded cold air conditioner but somewhere where jazzy can't get in it to pee.
I will figure it out tomorrow..for tonight anyway, phoebe is now happy.
:-( poor baby.